Chapter Seventeen: Do Some Damage.

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* Please read the Authors note. Its important. c:

Chapter Seventeen: Do Some Damage.

- Lewis's P.O.V. - - - - - - - - - -


"Ma?," I entered the kitchen, leaving Zen to play with Lena.

Like I said, my mates stuck to her now. Like most people are when they fall into her stubby hands.

But, I was a bit more worried on something else.

"Yes, honey?," she asked, turning slightly to display a bright smile that I haven't seen in years.

Her form turned back to continue to chop carrots for tonight's dinner, giving me a little time to think.

I felt my eyebrows furrow as I walked closer, taking a closer look at her face. She just seemed.. like mom.

My real mom. Not the depressed mother she's been for the past years.

"What's going on?," I asked. I mean, its not that I didn't love that she was happy again. Its just- how?

She stopped cutting, her body twisting around to face me as she leaned against the counter, one hand holding her up as she wiped her other hand on her apron.

Her eyes began to fill with joyous tears as she breathed softly," Your father finally came out."


- Zendaya's P.O.V. - - - - - - - - - -


"Zeh-na?," Lena asked me adorably.

Lewis had given her a coloring book to keep her busy, and I was helping her. Sort of.

I turned to see her throw her green crayon aside as she crawled over to me. She sat on her bottom, her legs extended out as she pushed the hair out of her eyes.

"Wan see my rhoom?," she tilted her head, her curls falling back in her face. Which again, made her push it back.

Besides the fact that I already did, I nodded anyway, laughing lightly as she hurriedly got up, tugging on my thumb to make me hurry as well.

Getting to my feet, I had to bend slightly, since she was so small, as she brought me back up the stairs. Her tiny form having so much trouble climbing each step, I carried her up it instead.

Walking through the halls to where I remember was her room, I was about to head straight to it when a feminine voice asked, her tone not friendly at all," So, your Lewis's so called mate?"

I turned at the say of his name, to see a girl around my age, her brunette hair slicked back into a high pony as her blue eyes squinted at me, her eyes scanning me as if summing me up.

In the end, her nose stuck up in the air as she scoffed," What does he see in you?"

My wolf felt extremely threatened by this girl, and also did I. Especially the way she talked to me, it was incredibly rude.

I fixed Lena's tiny form so that she was comfortable, considering she had buried her face in my hair when this girl began to talk.

"Uhm.. Who are you?," I asked, trying to be polite, even though I wanted to snap her neck already. I couldn't talk or yell though, since I had Lena with me.

"Brittany," she said as a matter of factly, tilting her head a bit as her lips pulled back into a snarl," Lewis's "real" mate," she stressed the word, advancing a few steps till she was five feet away from me.

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