Chapter Sixteen: Moments like this.

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Chapter Sixteen: Moments like this.

- Zendaya's P.O.V. - - - - - - - - - -

"Babe, are you okay?," Lewis whispered into my ear, bringing my attention away from the suddenly interesting wallpaper.

His voice was calm and soothing to me as always, but at this moment, every noise made, had my heartbeat running.

Feeling myself relax slightly at his presence, I faced him, our eyes locking as I forced a smile onto my face," Y-yeah. Why?," I croaked, clearing my throat as I glanced over at the door.

Was it me or was it really hot in here?

I feel like im sweating bullets.

He let out a slight chuckle, his minty breath hitting the side of my face as he spoke," Your kinda squeezing the life out of my hand."

At his words, I felt my cheeks burn as I released the death grip I did have on him," Oh my God, im so sorry, mate," I apologized, covering my mouth in attempt to hide my flushed cheeks.

He chuckled, bringing up the hand he held to kiss the back of it before saying," Its okay," He removed my hand away from my face as he lifted my chin up with his free hand, making our eyes meet," Zen, she isn't going to kill you," he laughed, which I returned with a glare. Easy for him to say. Because it isn't happening to him.

"Why are you so worried?," he asked after I nudged his gut slightly.

I bit onto my lip, glancing at the door once again to make sure she hasn't come back yet," Lewis, this is your mom. She caught us- kissing. And, that's such a bad first impression! I didn't even wear better clothes for this! What if I ruined things already? Oh man, what if she doesn't like me? This is ju- ," I was cut off by the lips that robbed me of my words and thoughts.

Before anything can actually happen, he pulled back, his free hand tucking hair behind my ear as he made me look at him," You look gorgeous, beautiful. You always do. And, she'll love you. Everyone does," he said sincerely, never once his voice quivered.

Oh lord, he was just too sweet.

Moments like this, is really something I can get used to.

"As for the kiss," he paused, looking away, but I could see his famous, idiotic, sexy as fuck, smirk plastered onto his sexy face," You came onto me," he held his hands up as if he had nothing to do with it.

And moments like this, never last long.

I felt my jaw drop, squinting my eyes at his laughing form after I swatted at his arm," You responded!"

He chuckled deeply, his chuckle sending its own set of tingles through my body and straight to my core as he pulled me to him," Oh, you mean, like this?"

His lips softly kissed onto mine, even if it was soft, the tingles felt as powerful as ever, probably even more powerful than the last time we kissed. But sadly, he pulled back.

I whimpered involuntarily, cursing my wolf for making me act out because smirking Lewis, knew the effect he had on me.

He was still close enough, that if I moved, I could kiss him again. He spoke, his breath hitting my lips to where I felt like he was actually talking on them," Or, maybe like this?"

He bit onto my lower lip, ever so gently as he tugged on it lightly,making my core ache for him even more. My breathing was hectic, every breath short, and uneven as he released my lower lip slowly.

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