Chapter Twenty One: Any time soon.

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Chapter Twenty One: Any time soon.

- Lewis's P.O.V - - - - - - - - - -


"Take me home."

"Take you- what?," I asked, hoping she didnt say what I just heard.

"I want to go home," she said, getting off of the bed, but I couldnt help myself. I grabbed hold of her, pulling her onto my lap even if she struggled against me.

"No," I said simply, hugging her as she tried to wiggle out of my hold.

"Lewis! Let me go! I want to go home!," she exclaimed, only then, I noticed she was crying.

And boy, did that do something to me.

Just the sight of her tears making my heart clench. Making my wolf want to rip off my own head for making my mate cry.

"No, you need to listen to me," I told her, turning her around so she could face me, but not letting her go.

She raised her hands, pulling away from me, small grunts leaving her as she fought," Stop it!"

I released her hands, not wanting my mate to hurt herself. She looked like she was having a hard time.

Her small fists pounded on my chest, angry tears falling down her cheeks, making me ache to wipe them away, but I let my mate vent first.

She pushed me down, her fisted hands opening to slap my chest as she cried on top of me," Stop it! Stop doing this to me! Stop! Just marry her and let me leave!"

She fisted my chest, and I had to slightly refrain from laughing because she really did hit like a girl.

She finally stopping as she layed above me, her sweet breath tickling my face as she breathed roughly. A hurt look in her eyes, which made me regret what I said. Mostly because it came out wrong.

I took this as a chance to flip us over, keeping my weight off of her as I kept her down, her teary eyes making me feel bad, but cruelly, I couldnt fight off the smile on my face, which seemed to piss her off even more.

She cared for me.

I kissed her pouted lips, because they were just so tempting, which made her even more pissed as she squirmed underneath me, trying her best to resist, but failing.

We both knew we couldn't deny each other, especially now that our mating bond was getting a bit too strong to stand.

Denying each other would just be a pain.

"Hey," I called, smirking as she peeked up at me through closed lids," Im yours," I told her, hoping this calmns her down a bit," Why are you so worried?"

I could practically read the words that she was thinking right off of her expression.

"He's marrying me off. But, Im not going through with it," I whispered to her, feeling her body relax at my words, but immediately tensing by a slight second.

"You- you. You-," she repeated, beginning on her tiny fit again as she pounded my chest.

I tipped my head back, really needing to laugh at my mate.

She was so fucking cute when she was mad.

But, damn, it was such a turn on.

"You. Are. Such. A. Jerk," she glared up at me acutely, a pissed look to her beautiful features, but I still caught the slight tug of her lips.

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