Chapter Twelve: Fantasy or Nightmare?

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Chapter Twelve: Fantasy or Nightmare?

- Zendaya's P.O.V. - - - - - - - - - -

You know how they say in those certain types of situations, time slows down?

Well, that could have happened.

But, when your a shifter and everything is heightened, I guess you could say it was a different case.

Looking between the two guys, both angry and ready to shift, circling each other, I already knew who I would defend.

It wasn't a question, either. It was automatic for me to defend what was mine.

But, was I really ready to kill my brother?

No, in my human perspective. He's my brother! How could I?

Thing is, animal is always more dominating than human, in an animalistic way. And my wolf wouldn't allow anyone, even my own blood, to hurt my mate.

So, unlike what's been said, time didn't slow down. Everything was quick, sharp, and done without thought.

The power I could feel, the mental grab I had on my dear brothers life, was so simple. So easy, when all I could see was red.

And with a simple mental command, my brother, Zyron, fell to the ground, lifeless.

Darkness succumbed me then, enveloped me. Suffocating me, as I was grabbed by it. Losing myself, my sanity, so quickly.

Watching my mate try to save me, but it was too late.

They had me.

- Chase's P.O.V. - - - - - - - - - -

"She's so lucky, her brothers didn't wake up early," I growled in aggravation.

Zendaya and Payton hadnt come home until 3 in the morning. Luckily, Her sister and I were the only ones up. Otherwise, she would have been in major trouble.

Its obvious she came from a party. She didn't reek of alcohol or looked drunk, but Payton sure as hell did. She yacked all over me once she got out of the car, which I am so not happy about.

What did make me mad though was that Zendaya did reek. Not of alcohol, but of a certain were scent.

For all I know, an idiot could have tried to take advantage of her.

The thought of it angered me, my fists balling up into fists.

A gentle hand was placed on my shoulder, immediately I relaxed and tried to hold my temper.

"Chase, Zendaya needs to be released once in a while. She can't have a leash on her 24/7," her sister reasoned, a joyful smile on her lips as she said her next words," Plus, I think she found her mate."

I bit back a growl, one that was building up in my chest. No. She couldn't have. I sacrificed so much because I love her and I want her as my mate.

"Why would you think that?," I tried to say through gritted teeth, breathing in and out as evenly as possible. She rolled her eyes and shrugged," Simple. She's glowing. That glow most mates have, if you didn't notice."

I would have snapped, but a clearing of the throat had me looking up at Zendaya, her eyes petrified, but a small smile on her lips.

"Zen, are yo-," I began, but she cut me off.

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