Chapter 10

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Piper's POV

'Aunt Kathy can't know about my anxiety! I'm still not ready for anyone to know, and plus, she's the biggest gossiper ever!', I shriek as we walk out of the clinic.

'Why don't you just ask her to drop you off at the shops?', mum suggests. 'Tell her you're meeting up with a friend or something, and then you can walk here. It'll only take a few minutes extra.'

'I guess so', I sigh. 

I really don't like lying. Sometime I'm going to have to reveal the truth.


(Still Piper's POV)

My stomach churns as I walk to the bus stop after school, clinging onto my dance bag. I don't know what I'll say when I get to rehearsal today – that my fever only lasted one afternoon?

As a bus rolls in I try to resist the urge. My head screams to stay sitting at the stop but my feet act otherwise. They scramble onto the bus – the bus home.

I grab a seat, lean my head against the window and close my eyes. Am I doing anything right?

Amy's POV

'I wonder who Emily and Nick are going to choose as Miss National Soloist!', Kenzie whispers to Richelle beside me.

'Uh, me, of course!', Richelle responds. Kenzie rolls her eyes.

I check the time and it's 3:45. Piper's usually here by now. I grab out my phone and search for her name in my contacts.

A: Hey Piper, you still sick?

P: Yeah, still a little fevery so I'm going to stay home.

A: That sucks, hope you feel better soon!

P: Let me know what I miss?

A: Sure thing!

P: Thanks, see you next week! 😊

A: See ya! 😁

As I walk to put my phone away, Finn approaches me. 'Have you heard anything from Piper?', he asks.

'Yeah, I just texted her. She said she's still sick', I reply.

'Hmm', he mumbles, and walks off to continue stretching. Does he think she's not sick or something?

Piper's POV

As I reach home I realise I haven't warned Emily about not coming. I quickly scoot out my phone and text her that I have a fever.

Wait. I didn't tell her yesterday! I hope she's not too mad at me!

When I walk into the kitchen, mum's eyes dart to me. 'Why aren't you at dance?', she questions.

'Oh, um...', I start. 'I started to feel unwell'.

Mum hurries over and presses the back of her palm on my forehead. 'You don't have a fever-'

'Oh, I just feel a bit lightheaded', I say quickly. 'I'm tired, I think I'll just go to sleep'.

Mum nods. 'Have you let Emily know?'

'Yes'. Shame she didn't think of asking me that yesterday.

Josh's POV

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