Chapter 30

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Hi readers! I just wanted to say that I am overwhelmed with all the support everyone has given me. I'd like to make a few shoutouts - to tns_pinnd_lovesbooks05septemberhourAnoymoose1273xtnsthingsx and laterfinn for constantly giving such lovely and encouraging comments! Thank you also all who have commented and/or voted for me, and to each one of you who are reading my book. It means the world!

Now on to the story...

Finn's POV

Panting, I prop the two-person bike (what is it called again?) against the front of my house. I ring the doorbell and scoop out most of the food from the bicycle's picnic basket.

The doorknob turns and Millie greets me with a big smile.

'Hey Finn! How was your-'

She looks down to my arms and rotates her wrist to look at her watch.

'Hang on... it's not even 2pm yet. And you've still got all the food! What happened?'

I gesture my head towards the kitchen. Millie follows when I walk to the bench and dump everything.

'Did she bail on you?', Millie asks.

'No! She's... not feeling well', I state.

Millie trails behind as I collect the picnic rug and the rest of the basket's contents, bringing them inside.

'And she couldn't have told you that before you left to ride all the way there?'

I sigh and flop onto the lounge.

'It was sudden', I say. 'She was feeling fine when I left, but when I got there...', I trail off.

'Shame', Millie says. 'You got the tandem bike and everything.'

I shrug. There's not much I can do, but she's right. I did pay $30 for that.

I sit up straight. 'Hey, you and Jacob should go out and ride the bike! You can take the food too.'

'You could ride with me', Millie suggests.

'Nah. Not in the mood', I reply.

Millie furrows her eyebrows. 'You sure I can take it all? You spent a long time prepping that food.'

'Yeah, you should make use of it', I reply.

Millie calls Jacob while I stare at the wall. Thoughts begin to creep into my mind.

Is Piper ok now? Should I contact her, or will that just make it worse?

I hear a faint mumble of words that blur together in my mind.



'I said Jacob's free and he will be here in half an hour.'


I stare at the floor.



Millie sits down next to me. 'You want to talk about it?'

I shake my head and stand up. 'I'm going to my room. You have fun.'

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