Chapter 20

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Piper's POV

'Alright, so when Harry catches the wand, Voldemort's body just... decomposes', Giselle explains. She turns to Henry. 'Can you do any animation?'

'Can I do any animation?', he smirks, grinning.

'Ill take that as a yes', Giselle replies.

Henry nods his head rapidly and repetitively.

'I'm thinking that maybe you can tremble and shudder with your whole body. You slowly bend backwards until your back is parallel to the ground, and then bend your knees to drop to the ground. Like this.'

Giselle demonstrates and we all stand, mouths wide open, awestruck.

'With the added animation of course', Giselle adds, 'but that's not my forte.'

'Yo!', puff. 'That was sick!', comes a shout from behind me between panting breaths. I jump. I don't need to turn around to know it's Finn.

'Thanks!', Giselle replies, and Finn walks up to her.

'Here's the stick!'. He passes it to Giselle, who smiles.

'Perfect.' She hands it to Ozzy.

Henry, Ozzy and Giselle continue to choreograph the end scene. Finn walks to me and I lean over to his ear.

'That was fast!', I whisper.

'Yeah, I'm a fast runner', he replies with a grin.

I turn to him and look at his eyes. Those amazing, deep blue eyes. My glance travels up to his hair.

He's got really cool hair. I've never really thought about it before.

Finn's POV

I turn to Piper, taking a second to appreciate her incredible, chestnut brown eyes.

I think she's looking at my hair. Do I have a twig in it or something? It's not unlikely, considering the fact that I was just underneath a tree 2 minutes ago.

I open my mouth to ask when my gaze shifts to her hair. It doesn't escape my notice that she's wearing it out for the second rehearsal in a row.

Piper's POV

His hair, his eyes, his smile...


Finn's POV

She's braided the top of her hair again. It's super neat.

She's such a perfectionist, which can be annoying at times. But most of the time I actually like it. Because it shows that she cares about even the tiniest things.

Her hair, her eyes, her smile...


Piper's POV

He's really attractive.

And funny.

And kind.

I think I like him.

I thought it was crazy before, to even consider that.

But maybe it's not so crazy.

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