Chapter 45

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Richelle's POV

Oh no.

In normal circumstances, I'd be overjoyed about getting the opportunity to perform a solo. But this is nationals, and I've been spending about 80% of my rehearsal time on the trio since I knew there'd only be a very small chance that I'd be the soloist. We won't even get to perform the trio if I lose this round!

Usually I don't crack under pressure, but this time, I'm not so sure.

'Richelle, go rehearse', Emily instructs.

My body is still frozen from the shock.

'Now!', Emily shrieks.

I jump up and walk hastily up the stairs (I decide not to run up them, because we can't have any more injuries). Once I'm at the top, I run to the rehearsal room.

I click on 'Empire part 3' on Spotify and rest my phone on a bench seat that sits against a wall.

I remember all the moves, but I can't even tell if I'm dancing well because there's so much on my mind.

The entire team is relying on me to carry them through this round.

If I don't win- the trio, the duet, the semi-finals and the finals routine... it would all be for nothing.

I check my phone. It's already 8:30pm. I'm dancing this on the nationals stage in 19 ½ hours. That may seem like a while to practice, but I can't stay up all night. I need enough energy to dance my fullest tomorrow. Besides, I've learnt from Michelle the consequences of overdoing practice at a competition. I can't make that same mistake.

We can't lose another dancer. We just can't.

I have to deliver, otherwise I'll be letting the whole team down.

I go through the dance 2 more times. I thought going through the choreo would clear my mind, but my thoughts don't disappear.

Piper's POV

I hope Richelle's ok. If that happened to me, I don't think I'd be able to cope.

'Do you mind if I go and check on Richelle?', I ask Amy, who is sitting beside me on my bed, showing me the dresses from various online stores that she is considering buying.

'Oh, yeah that's fine', Amy replies, locking her phone. 'Ozzy just texted in the group chat that the bros are back at it, seeing what level Nick can get up to in Legions of Lasers. I might go and watch, I can imagine it would be quite entertaining', she giggles.

I chuckle. 'Awesome', I say as I walk out the door.

I reach the rehearsal room and watch Richelle dance her choreo until the song ends.

'Hey Richelle!', I greet.

'Oh!', she exclaims. 'Hey Piper.'

'How's it going?', I ask.

'I don't know', she admits. 'I can't think.'

I've experienced that way too many times.

'How about you just go through the routine? I can watch and give you pointers', I offer.

'That would be awesome, thanks!', Richelle exclaims.

I watch her routine. She moves effortlessly and her moves are so impressive, but I look at her face. She's deadpan. No emotion at all. I'm a little surprised, considering all the emotion that she showed when I was helping her before we left for nationals.

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