Chapter 42

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Finn's POV

We sit side by side on the picnic blanket and I take a closer look at the platter.

Wait... she lined it with strawberries drizzled with chocolate? That can't be a coincidence.

I pick one up and examine it, smiling. 'This is even neater than Millie's ones!', I exclaim. 'Can't say I'm surprised, though. You are a perfectionist.'

Piper simply grins and takes a bite out of a brownie.

'I don't even know what to take', I say. 'Everything looks so good. What do you recommend?'

'Hmm, maybe a macaron. Or a brownie. Or maybe lemon meringue... actually, maybe the choc chip cookies. Or the wafers. They're good...'

'Yep, thanks for narrowing it down for me', I joke. I end up closing my eyes to take a lucky dip, picking up a choc chip cookie.

I take a bite. Woah. It's so fresh and sweet. Delicious!

'Piper, these are amazing! You actually baked these?', I ask.

'Yeah', she replies casually. 'I enjoy baking. And cooking.'

Piper's POV

What I don't tell Finn is that is also takes my mind off things.

I don't want to ruin the evening by ranting about my anxious thoughts. And I don't want him to be worrying about me.

It's taking every fibre inside of me to push those thoughts aside. I want to just forget everything. All my worries. All my concerns. Even if it's just for one evening.

I lean back so that I'm lying down on my back. Finn does the same, his arm brushing against mine. We gaze at the infinite expanse above us.

'Oh, look, there's Canis Major!', Finn cheers, pointing.

'Huh?', I mumble.

'Canis Major! You know, the great dog!'

'Uhh, sorry, I'm not following', I shake my head.

'Look at that super big star', Finn points. 'You see it?'

'Yeah, I see it', I reply.

'That marks the bottom of the neck', Finn begins to explain. 'The stars to the north-east of it mark the back of the head, and that star over there', Finn explains, pointing, 'is the nose. So the head is a triangle. The tail's down there at Aludra, and Adhara marks the back legs.'

'You know a lot about constellations and stars, I'm impressed!', I state.

'Duh! I'm the fruity moons kid!', Finn exclaims. I chuckle.

'The only constellation I can even remember is the Southern Cross', I admit. 'I read something about it in an international magazine.'

'Yeah, you can't even see that one from here', Finn says. 'We're too far north.'

I ponder on the name. Southern Cross. 'I don't know why it's called that. It doesn't exactly look like a cross. When I saw a picture of it, it made me think of a sideways kite', I admit.

Finn tilts his head. 'Yeah, I can see your point. But that would be the lamest name. I mean, imagine saying, 'oh look! There's the sideways kite!'

We burst out laughing.

I sigh and we lie in a pleasant silence for a few minutes. I focus on the cool breeze and the thousands of stars shining in the expanse above us.

'The sky's so big, isn't it?', I point out.

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