Chapter 25

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Piper's POV

Josh has just confirmed all my thoughts.

I know he still likes me, so for him to point out that I like Finn...

I don't just think I like Finn; I know I do.

I dump my bags in the cube shelves and head to the dancefloor to stretch beside Josh.

I grasp my ankle and pull it up behind my thigh to stretch my quadriceps. When I see a figure walk into Studio A, my body starts to lean to the side, approaching the ground.

Josh catches me before I hit the floor. Lucky he's got fast reflexes because of all that hockey.

The figure runs up to me.

He's 15 minutes early.

'Hi Finn!', I shriek.

Oh gosh, I've really got to stop doing that.

'Hey Pipes! Hi Josh!'

Josh waves and I ask, 'Why are you here so early, Finn?'

'It's not early...', Josh states.

'It's early for Finn!'

We all chuckle.

'Well, my last class was right near the school gate so I ran out to avoid being bombarded by teenagers. I got to the car in 2 minutes. 2 minutes! And the traffic wasn't that bad, considering it's school pickup time. When I mean not bad, I mean that I wasn't stuck behind a truck driving 20 in a 40 zone this time.'

I giggle.

'And I guess I just decided I have nothing better to do than to come straight here. I even spent 10 minutes chatting to Steve the barista about what temperature to steep tea at!'

Tell him, Piper. Tell him you like him.

Josh laughs about the barista conversation.

On second thoughts, maybe I shouldn't tell Finn when Josh is right next to me. Or when any other A-troupers are present, for that matter.

I need to tell him when we're alone.

Besides, if I tell him before rehearsal and he says that he doesn't like me like that anymore, that will make today's rehearsal unbearable.

I'll tell him after.


'Ozzy, that jump could have been higher. Jacquie, turn faster! Henry, point your feet!', Richelle yells. 'Let's do that section again!'

We repeat what we just rehearsed.

'Again!', Richelle shouts.


We all groan.

'We're not leaving until this section is flawless. Come on, guys! We have to be ready for nationals!', Richelle says.

After what feels like hours going over the same few counts of 8, Richelle says 'Ok, that's better. Rehearsal's done.'

I breathe a sigh of relief and hurry over to my bags to get my phone and check the time.

5:35. Rehearsal usually finishes at 5pm! Mum doesn't like me getting home in the dark. I'd better leave.

I begin to walk out of the studio when Finn runs up from behind to catch up to me.

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