Chapter 18

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Piper's POV

As I head into Studio A 30 minutes early, I see Richelle dancing to a cover of Empire with a smooth female voice. She does a back walkover, followed by two aerials in a row and then a 540. I watch in awe for a few moments before sighing.

I don't really feel like dancing in any of the other studios. Besides, I had to run to get my bus from school. I usually have 10 minutes to spare before it arrives, but I spent 15 minutes in the hallway repetitively turning the code and aimlessly tugging what I thought was the lock of my locker, when I was interrupted by a short red-head girl who murmured, 'um... that's my one.' Checking the number and realising it wasn't mine was certainly not the most glamorous moment. I awkwardly apologised and shifted to the one on its right, hurrying to dig out my dance bag.

I probably look like a mess. I chuck my school bag in a cube and walk to the bathroom with my dance one. Glancing to the mirror, I realise I'm right. Two large humps have formed at the top of my head and I look like a camel. I grab my ponytail with one hand and pull the elastic with my other, my hair drooping down past my shoulders. Once I've found my brush, I group all the strands together and neaten them out. I twist my hair and spin it around to form a bun, bringing the elastic up to secure it when I freeze.

You look so good with your hair down. You should wear it like that more often.

Finn gave me a complement. It would be rude to reject it. I should take his advice.

I let go of my hair and it droops down again. The strands at the front lay on top of my face, some covering my eyes so I can only see patches.

It's too thick. It'll get in the way when I dance if I leave it like this.

I sigh and bunch my hair together again to form a bun, when a realisation strikes.

It's only the strands at the front that get in the way. I can just tie those up.

I decide on braiding each side at the top, tying them together with an elastic and plaiting the collected strands.

When I return to the studio, all of A-troupe is there. Even Finn! How long was I in the bathroom?

I check my phone. It's 3:50. Twenty minutes braiding my hair. I guess that's how long it takes when you're a perfectionist. I didn't have any bobby pins so I had to redo a row each time there was a bump.

I spot Amy and walk straight to her.

'Hey Piper! Oh, cool hairstyle!', Amy cheers.

'Thanks!', I reply just as happily.

As we stretch together, I look ahead at the mirror and on the left I see the side of Finn's face. He's staring at something, mouth open, in a daze. I have no idea what he's looking at. Probably those paint marks on the wall shaped like a fish. I chuckle at the thought and turn towards him.

He's not staring at the wall. He's staring at me.

When my gaze reaches his, I quirk an eyebrow and his cheeks go pink.

'Oh. Um, h-hi', he stutters. He's only a few metres away so I can hear him clearly.

'Hey!', I reply.

That's weird. Finn never stutters. He's always so chill!

What's going on? He blushed.

Was he staring at my hair?

Does he like me?

No, that's impossible. He stopped asking me out months ago. He's moved on.

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