Chapter 33

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33 chapters later, and we're finally here.

This is it. 

Piper's POV

'When Finn knocks or rings the doorbell or whatever, I'll just hide up here until you guys have left', Amy explains. 'I'll go home after that. And as soon as you get home, you HAVE to call me! Don't leave me in the dark this time!'

'I won't!', I reply, grinning.

Knock, knock, knock.

I gasp.

This is it.

It's time.

Amy claps her hand on my arm. 'Hey, you've got this!', she encourages.

I pull her into a tight embrace. 'Thanks again for everything', I say into her shirt.

'Anytime', she says, and quickly pulls away. 'Don't cling onto me for too long! One, because you don't want to mess up your hair, and two, Finn's waiting downstairs.'

'Flip!', I shriek, hurrying to the mirror. Phew, my hair's still neat.

'Bye!', I chirp. Amy waves and I run down the stairs.

My parents stand a few metres to the side of the front door. I pull mum into a hug and she whispers, 'You look lovely, honey.'

I turn to dad and do the same. 'What she said', he says. I laugh and thank them.

I take one last deep breath before opening the door.

Finn's POV

Waiting at Piper's front door, I remind myself that it's not unlikely that her mother will be greeting me on the other side.

Instead, I'm greeted by the girl of my dreams.

'Hey Finn!', Piper says cheerfully.

'Wow', I whisper. I look up and down, wide-mouthed and in awe of how breathtakingly stunning she is.

I batter my eyelids. 'Uh, hi!', I reply after a moment, forcing myself to come out of my reverie before she's weirded out from the staring. 'You look beautiful!'

Piper grins, her cheeks reddening, and her gaze shifts to the ground. 'Um...', she starts, tucking some hair behind her ear. She looks back up to me. 'Thank you.'

I hand her the pink and white hibiscuses that I'm holding. Piper's smile widens.

Piper's POV

'Photo time!', my mum cheers, suddenly appearing from the side.

Finn and I jump. 'Muuuuuuuum', I groan.

'Oh come on, just a few! You want to capture this moment! My little baby girl, all grown up and going on a-'

'Mum!', I shriek. Gosh, why does she have to be so embarrassing?

My mum retrieves her camera from a few metres away while Finn and I shuffle to get into position. Finn steps inside to stand beside me and he stretches out his arm behind my neck, resting it on my shoulder. I wrap my arm behind his back and tilt my head towards his chest, the other hand holding the flowers.

Mum smiles as she holds up the camera. 'Ok, on the count of 3!'

Finn and I grin. 'One, two, three!', mum cheers.

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