THANK YOU and... new book(s)?

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8 months and 16 days, 55 chapters, 498 pages and 135166 words later, it is finished.

Thank you everyone for taking this journey with me and sticking it out right to the end. Words cannot express how incredibly thankful I am to you all!

I started this book on a whim on a Wednesday morning in January , not thinking much about it. I initially intended for it to be about 20 chapters. I posted the first chapter, expecting nobody to read it, and left to go on a bushwalk with a friend. I returned a few hours later and checked Wattpad, to see that I had already received a lovely comment from BluMoonnn (thank you BluMoonnn!). That was the point when I decided – ok, I am going to go through with this. I'm going to write a book.

There are three people in particular that I would like to thank. These three people have been with me the entire way, and I am beyond thankful.

tns_pinn for everything you have done for me. Sometimes I doubted my writing abilities and wondered if the chapters were any good. Just when I'd start to feel down, you'd message me about your excitement for the next chapter. You have been such a motivation for me to keep on going. Thank you so much for everything! 💕

Anoymoose1273 without fail, every morning after I have posted a new chapter, I have woken up to wonderful comment from you which always brought a smile to my face. You are the definition of kindness, and are one of the main reasons I have enjoyed writing so much. Thank you so much for all your support! 💖

d_lovesbooks05  for all your lovely comments the entire way through! You have constantly reminded me that the book has worth, and for that, I am beyond thankful. Your support means the world, thank you so much! 💗


1. How To Get Through High School

There has been a book idea lingering in my head for quite a while. I am aware that half of my readers are in the 13-18 age bracket, meaning a lot of you are in high school (or nearly in high school). I am a uni student, and looking back, I know that high school certainly wasn't easy. It's not easy for anyone. I believe I have some wisdom that I can pass down to high school-aged students, to try and help get through the hard parts. The book will be called 'How To Get Through High School', and I will be posting topic by topic. Topics may include, but are not limited to:

- Exam anxiety

- Social anxiety

- Friendship drama

- Sleep habits

- Escaping perfectionism

- Self-esteem and confidence

- Is popularity really worth it?

For those of you who are not in high school – please note that while the book is directed to high school students, several of the chapters will be relevant to all age brackets, for example sleep habits and escaping perfectionism. I will label each chapter with the topic name, so feel free to pick and choose whichever topics are relevant to you.

These updates will not be regular, but I will make an announcement each time a new chapter comes out so that you know. If you are interested in reading this book and are not yet following me, please do so, so that you can get an announcement each time I post a new chapter (and therefore avoid having to constantly click on my profile to check!)

I will be taking a break for a bit before starting this book, as I have been constantly writing Pinn – Memories since January and I need some time off to refresh. I'm afraid I can't tell you how long the break will be – it could be two weeks, it could be two months. I will make an announcement when I've posted the first chapter 😊

2. Pinn Oneshots

Yes, I will be making a Pinn Oneshots book! I've had a oneshot idea in my head for a long time, but am yet to write it. I am keen to post it as a oneshot (and will probably write many more as I'm just obsessed with Pinn!). As of How To Get Through High School, these updates will be irregular, so please give me a follow to get announcements on chapter updates.

3. ...Sequel?

I may write a sequel to Pinn – Memories down the track. I will reassess in 2 months' time as that is when my uni break starts, and things will be pretty hectic between now and then, so I would not start writing it until at least mid-November.

I'm not making any promises, as I have learnt through this book that writing a full book is a huge time commitment. In saying that, I do already have an idea for a plot, so I'll leave it here. Please let me know your thoughts on it – if I can get a sense of what you think about the synopsis, it might make my thought process clearer on whether I should write it or not.


'Finn', a faint voice screeches.

'Huh?', I mumble, turning to the side to discover she's no longer walking next to me.

Frantically, I turn around and my heart skips a beat. There she is, 10 metres away from me, hunched over on the ground.

I shout her name, but she doesn't respond. As fast as my legs will take me, I hurry over to her.

All I can see is red. The top of her stomach is covered with a pool of blood.

A-troupe is ecstatic that that will be going to internationals. For Finn, it's a dream come true. The one thing in life he has been striving for.

But the road to internationals is not going to be easy.

With the grave illness of one of the family members Finn is closest to, his life begins to turn up-side-down. Daily hospital visits, financial issues, and an unwelcome return of relatives causing tension in the household. Will Finn even make it to nationals?

And that's a wrap! Thank you all! 💖

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