1. Meeting ...

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Khusi drummed her fingers on the table as her mind went haywire. She was sitting in the cafe, alone for the last 25 mins, waiting for her supposedly suitor, whom her mother had arranged, again.

Why did she even bother to come? Khusi was regretting her decision. It was her 4th time going on a blind date, organised by her mother. The last three were not her type.

The first one was too arrogant, who couldn't stop talking about his bank job, and even had the audacity of calling her primary school teacher job, a boring one.

The second one was way too immature for her, who didn't leave a chance to flaunt his sports bike and Citizen watch. She had been hella bored that day as he had continued to flash every single thing he owned by his father's money.

And the last one was disastrous. The first thing he demanded as soon as he came to meet her was her resignation from her job. She hadn't even said yes to that match-making and that idiot had already started enforcing his rules on her. That was the end! She had walked out that day and had vowed never to meet a man, arranged by her mother.

But today, as Khusi's mother dragged her down the bed and literally begged her to meet this guy, she couldn't say no to her. Her mother, Renuka Mukherjee, promised this would be the last one. If he turned out like any of the last 3 men Khusi met, she would stop.

Khusi's gaze went back to her watch and she groaned in frustration. 5 more minutes, and she was leaving. She did a happy dance in her head as the excuse was already ready. He stood her up and she would free to live her life as she wanted, from now on. No more marriage pressure. At the age of 25, independent and single ... she wasn't looking for a commitment. She was more focused on building herself up and focusing on her hobbies.

"Hey, Are you Khusi Mukherjee?" She was deep in her thoughts, her face resting on her palms, when a deep voice broke her trance. Her head whirled back as her gaze halted at a man in his late 20s.


A charming smile broke at his lips and Khusi's heart skipped a beat. God, he was handsome.

"Nice to meet you Khusi, I am Bhaskar Goswami." He sat across her and hold out his hand for a handshake. Khusi's eyes widened in recognition and she just smiled, thinned lip, ignoring his hand.

She was pissed both at him and at the situation. If he hadn't come, she would have been free ... but he did come, although late.

"You're awfully early," she taunted, eying him. Bhaskar grimaced and nodded his head.

"Yeah, I am extremely sorry about that. One of my students showed up at the last minute. He have his exam from 12 pm today, so I had to help him," he apologized and Khusi nodded. Atleast, he didn't try to give an excuse.

Both of them started talking, starting from their likes dislike, professions and hobbies. Bhaskar asked most of the questions and it delighted Khusi that he was trying to take an interest in her, rather than doing stupid things, like the last few boys.

After 2 hours of endless chatter, she was laughing her hearts out at a joke Bhaskar has said.

"Oh my God! Stop! My stomach is paining from all the laughter," she chuckled, clutching her stomach, her eyes crinkling in merry.

Bhaskar ignored her and continued to mimic one of his student's psycho uncle who had the weird habit of peeking into his ward's classroom.

After both of the them had their equal share of laughter, they were delighted to know each other. Bhaskar, at 29, was a college professor at a private college and Khusi was happy that he showed an interest in her job too.

"You are a real star Khusi. I teach students at a much mature age. You literally mould them. Without proper guidance from you, they wouldn't even reach upto me." Bhaskar praised, grabbing a french fry.

"Thanks. It's not often that people appreciate my job. They think its easy to get and we have no pressure, teaching children."

"Easy? Then they should switch places with you. Stupid people."

Khusi was happy to see Bhaskar was open minded and encouraging. She wasn't sure whether she was ready for a marriage or not, but if it has to be Bhaskar ... she won't straightway refuse.

"So, sorry if this sounds offensive, ... " she drawled, but Bhaskar shook his head, encouraging her to ask her question.

"How many girlfriends you had before meeting me?" At this Bhaskar chuckled nervously and massaged his nape.

"To be very honest, you're the first one I am taking an interest to know so much."

At his answer Khusi's eyebrows rose to her hairline. Was he kidding?

"You're joking, right!? You are handsome and charming! It's impossible that you never had any girlfriends!"

"Well, it would be a lie if I say I never had crushes or no girl ever liked me. But I was too busy on setting my career first. I wanted to spent time on these things after I have enjoyed bachelor life to the fullest. Thats why I refused most of them who approached me or never had any strong feelings for anyone."

"Then, why now? What do you want to get married?" Khusi asked, genuinely confused. She wanted him to be sure about her, if this rendezvous ever succeeded.

"Because I know what I want right now. I am ready to settle down and commit to this relationship ... " Bhaskar's eyes which were fixed at his cup snapped up as he stared at her and uttered his next words, " ... and you."

A grin broke out on Khusi's lips. Logical, and a man who knew what he needed. Just the type, she had always wanted.


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