23. Settling in ...

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Khusi was summoned in the Principal's office. She didn't know why she was called for, but the snickers and smirks of her fellow colleagues, when she was on her way towards the Principal's room, didn't sit well.

She appeared in front of her office, unaware of what games destiny was playing with her.


"Khusi, come on in." Miss. Goenka didn't know how to deliver her the news without breaking the heart of the poor little girl. When she was just starting to settle down in the town, leaving behind her past, another ginormous blonder was going to shatter her.

It had been difficult for her but now she was about to get another shock.

"Here's your transfer letter." She decided not to beat around the bush, cause she didn't know how to answer Khusi's questions. Guilt nipped at her throat and her stomach churned.

Khusi eyes' widened at Ms. Archana's statement, her heart missing a beat as she gazed at her with bewilderment. "I'm sorry? Transfer?"

"Yes. Due to your incompetency to teach students of class VII and VIII, we're demoting you back to the primary section. As this is a middle school, you are transferred to Chamba."

Khusi's jaw fell open as soon as she heard the words. Her stomach clenched, and she almost felt dizzy for a second, stumbling backwards.

"Khusi!?" Ms. Archana shot up on her feet, when Khusi stared back at her with nonplussed eyes, shaking her head.

"I don't understand." Khusi couldn't digest the fact that she was getting demoted. She had never slacked off at work, never let her mental state affect her classes, never gave anyone even a minute reason to question her abilities. And there she was, getting demoted.

"I am sorry Khusi but a lot of the guardians have complained to me about you, along with your colleagues. You haven't been taking classes properly since the first day, verbally abusing students and behaving violently. I don't have a choice. Here, take the letter. You need to leave as soon as possible and report in our branch school at Chamba. Goodbye." Miss. Archana was too ashamed of her decision, but she was helpless against the authorities. Unsure of what to say anymore, she thrusted the letter in Khusi's hand and turned away from her, unable to look at her miserable face.

Khusi felt like she was choking on her breath, as an invisible hand closed around her throat, her vision blurry, but not with tears. She maneuvered out of the Principal's room, and sat down on a bench beside the door, the transfer letter cinched around her fingers.

Why was she getting tossed from one place to another? Why was fate playing dirty games with her? Now that she was somewhat settled down in Shimla, after being there for three months, she was getting kicked out of this place too?

On top of everything else, she couldn't come in terms with the fact that she got demoted. Her heart clenched painfully, as she scowled down at the letter in her hand and sighed tiredly.

How many tests would God make her go through?


As Khusi dumped the very few of her belongings, into a small cardboard box, Rajeev appeared behind her gulping heavily. He didn't know the impact of his words would be so strong that Khusi would get transferred.

"Hey," Rajeev called her out, but Khusi didn't respond. She was in a daze, picking out her stuff from her drawer in the staff room. Simi and her minions stood in their usual corner scoffing and snickering at Khusi's tear stricken face.

As soon as Khusi was done, she shut her drawer and took a deep breath, unaware of Rajeev standing behind her.

"Khusi," he tried once more. This time Khusi did hear it, but decided to ignore him. Just like he had been ignoring her since that day. She felt desolate and empty, not in the mood to talk to anybody. It's not like anyone would miss her there.

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