41. Realisations ...

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As rays of morning sunshine reflected against the glass window pane, a groan escaped Khusi's throat. Tucking herself beneath the blanket, Khusi's eyes fluttered open at the sight of Yuti's little arms and her tiny adorable face. A smile broke out on her lips. She didn't even remember when she fell asleep last night while gossiping with the chirpy Yuti.

She was a tiny ball of sunshine with too much energy for one person to hold.

The warmth of the blanket and a source of heat behind her, which she was too sleepy to investigate, was too comfortable to abandon. So she decided to stay beneath the blanket for a few more minutes, before she had to wake up and get ready for the day.

A yawn escaped past her lips and Khusi pushed her hips backwards to stretch her limbs. But before she could bask in it, the strong grip of a heavy arm, which she didn't realise was snaked around her waist, tightened and a groan came from behind.

"I will recommend against rubbing your butt against my manhood, the first thing in the morning, Khusi. It had already been a torture last night, sleeping beside you."

Khusi's breath hitched and her eyes snapped open at the husky morning voice of Abhay. His words rumbled in his chest against her back. She gasped and her face snapped backwards to see a sleepy looking Abhay gazing at her with aroused eyes. His messy hair was perfectly adoring his forehead. A sight for sore eyes.

A thought crossed her mind and her eyes rounded.

"Did we ... ?" beside Yuti ?

Khusi's gaze snapped downwards, her heart in her throat. A sigh escaped past her lips when she saw her clothes were intact.

Abhay chortled and snuggled his face into her hair, his gaze tightening on her waist. "We didn't. I was just missing my favorite girls last night. So I decided to sneak inside the bed with you two."

"Ohh. Thank God. I thought ... , " she grumbled and turned around, tucking her face beneath Abhay's chin, her lips grazing his throat. Her fingers went around his back but it met naked flesh. She felt a few lines of scabs and bit her lips.

"Yeah, last time's scratches have healed. If you're ready to give new ones, this dude is prepared for it," he growled low in his throat, his fingers lazily fondling Khusi's hips.

"Mine haven't." Khusi drew away only to pull her t-shirt down a little to show Abhay her collarbones. A huge hickey was still sitting on top of her breast.

"Hmm, this won't fade so fast unlike the ones on your neck. I took my time with this one," he hummed, caressing that hickey with the pad of his thumb.

"Stop touching me. You're making me horny. And we're sleeping beside Yuti, so no bad business," Khusi chided, though it was evident from her voice that she was already aroused.

One of Abhay's eyebrows quirk up and his lip tilted up in a smirk. "You're the one who can't keep her hands to herself."

True to his words Khusi fingers were already down his sternum as she caressed his abs, her lips leaving sloppy kisses on Abhay's jaws.

She groaned and threw the blanket away from her body. Jumping down the bed, she made sure Yuti was asleep and tucked her securely beneath the blanket. Peeking a look at her, she dragged Abhay out of the bed and pushed him out of the door.

"Hey," Abhay whined, rubbing his neck, his lower lip jutted out in a pout.

Who would believe the implacable OC of the town, pouts?

"No more kisses for you today," Khusi teased, her features playful and shut the door on his face.


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