43. Goodbye ... ?

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A very talented friend of mine has started writing a new story. MEERA. Its about a little orphan girl from Bolpur, Shantiniketan and after she gets adopted in a rich family of criminal lawers from LA, who has five sons.

Give it a try lovelies ... by _sarcasticpanda 💗

 by _sarcasticpanda 💗

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The bungalow was engulfed in a drape of thick silence at the outbreak of morning. Usually, on other days, the constant chatter and bickerings of Yuti and Abhay would wake Khusi up from her slumber. But that wasn't the case that day.

It was so silent that Khusi felt like the entire bungalow was empty. But she knew it wasn't. Yuti might still be asleep and Abhay ...

A deep sigh escaped past her lips. Khusi didn't know what Abhay might be doing. She felt terrible for her impetuous act last night. The man who had involuntarily won her heart confessed his love, and she vehemently cut him off.

She knew the way she acted was very rude and petulant, but she didn't know what to do either. Once upon a time, Khusi was never hesitant with openly admitting her love for one particular person, but he never said it out loud. Ever.

Khusi was over the moon too, after she had come to her senses and Abhay's words had finally sinked into her brain. And how could she not fall for him too? He was everything Khusi could ever ask for, in a life partner. Her perfect match. But it was too late by then and she was too confused on how to act.

The past fears had enveloped her so badly last night, that she realised she needed to think with a clear mind. She needed to become sure herself before she delivered any news to Abhay.

After grabbing a quick breakfast Khusi decided to visit Ms. Archana's house once, to think with a clear head where her life had brought her. She needed some alone time, away from everything which connected her with Abhay. Starting from the bungalow and Yuti.

As she stepped out of the threshold of the bunglow, a figure caught her eyes. His tall physique, broad chest and shoulders were bouncing up and down and he jogged inside the bungalow premises through the wrought-iron gate, only a white half sleeves t-shirt covering his sweaty body. Their eyes collided and both of their steps came to a halt.

Khusi's breaths deepened and her heart skipped a bit when she analysed Abhay. He was sweating profusely, his slightly tanned skin glistening in the morning sunlight even though the temperature was below 7°C.

The sight was alluring but she quickly realised where that could lead her to. She would again get lost in the undeniable attraction they had for each other, which would ultimately weaken Khusi's resolve to think with a clear head.

Breaking the eye contact, Khusi looked down and sauntered towards the gate, her fingers clenched in fists in her jacket's pockets. Abhay's face, for the first time, was a mask of indifference and apathy, which was clearly setting Khusi off. She had never seen Abhay being so impassive towards her.

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