8. In-laws ...

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The jingles of glass bangles echoed in the room, as Khusi put vermilion on her hairline and smiled softly at Manisha, Bhaskar's 4 year old niece. She was dressed in a small saree, on her insistence, and was looking adorable as she tried not to trip over.

"Kakai, I won't be wearing the sweater," Manisha whined, stomping.

Khusi chuckled out at that adorable grumbling as she put on a shawl around her body.

"Don't say that Isha. Look at your aunt. Isn't she looking gorgeous, even when she is wearing a sweater?" Bhaskar tried to coax the little girl, and after hours of persuasion she complied.

When Khusi came out in the lawn of the farm house owned by Bhaskar's cousin, she was mesmerized by the decoration. Sandip, Bhaskar's paternal cousin was shifting to Cape Town for 5 years so he had arranged a final get-together. They were at Siliguri to attain it.

Bhaskar's father had two elder brothers, both had sons. Neil was married, whose daughter was Manisha. Bhaskar's maternal aunt had 2 daughters, Taniya and Moumita.

Khusi sat beside Annanya, Neil's wife as she prepared muffins for everyone. Annanya was a pro at baking and loved making cakes and cookies. She was excellent at whatever she baked.

"Wow, they taste amazing. Why don't start your own bakery" Khusi chimed, grabbing two more muffins for her and Bhaskar.

Annanya's actions halted at Khusi's words as her head turned to look at Manisha. The little angel came running to her mother and Annanya passed her a muffin.

"With Isha still so small, I don't get enough time. Moreover this is just a hobby, I want to focus more on her now." Annanya sighed, and Khusi's eyebrows puckered in sight judgement. She wasn't okay with the fact that Annanya was dedicating her whole life to a child and not on her personal growth. But she didn't bother to defy her. It was Annanya's choice.

Moumita, who was taking selfie on a bench, came upto Khusi and hugged her. "Smile boudi!" Khusi complied within a second, a gorgeous smile popping out on her lips as Moumita took a selfie and instantly posted it on her IG story, mentioning Khusi.

"Girl, aren't you cold. It freezing here." Moumita, who was wearing a sleeveless kurta and sararah flicked her hair and winked, "I am hot blooded. And why the hell are you wearing a sweater as a blouse?"

Khusi rolled her eyes. She hated winters and the freezing temperatures. All she wanted was to snuggle up inside two or three blankets with hot cocoa. But she couldn't do that now, as her in-laws wouldn't want that.

The whole family was sitting in a circle, including the elders as they randomly talked and maids prepared the food. Annanya sat beside Neil, bringing the muffins as Neil smiled at her and tried to encircle his arms around Annanya. But she instantly pushed that hand away, glaring at her husband and pointing at the elders. Some of them were eying the couple and the moment didn't get unnoticed by Khusi.

Her eyes drifted towards Bhaskar who was talking to Sandip regarding something. A strong urge to interlock their fingers arose in her and she tired to touch his hand. But Bhaskar instantly pulled it away, giving Khusi a side look and feigned to push his hair back.

She sighed audibly and rolled her eyes, not understanding why was PDA a big deal for Bhaskar. She wanted to show the world that he was her husband and she adored him. Even Bhaskar did, but he hated showing it off in public.

"So Khusi, now that you and Bhaskar is married for more than a year, when are you thinking of having kids?" Khusi was chatting with Moumita and Taniya, when one of Bhaskar's aunt asked her.

Khusi's face turned awkward at the question. "Um, not anytime soon," she answered, and resumed her talk with Taniya, not bothering to give the elder much attention.

"Why not? You are getting old. It's the right time to have kids for both of you."

"Pisi, she is just 26 and dada, 30. They have enough time," Moumita intervened coming to Khusi's rescue. The lady's face scrunched in annoyance at her words.

"That's the perfect age. She should be pregnant by now, as they are already married for more than a year." Every other elder turned their face to look at Khusi, who was sweating even in the harsh winter under their scrutiny. Keya Goswami looked more eager for Khusi's answer.

"Why don't you focus more on your children Pisi?" This time it was Taniya and Khusi couldn't be more happy to see her sister-in-laws supporting her.

The lady gasped and Khusi decided to speak out her decision, "I don't want to have ..." But before she could finish, Bhaskar decided to step in. "We will take children when we feel it's the right time. Right now, we are not ready Pisima." At Bhaskar words, silence boomed around and every elder's lips zipped shut.

"Whatever." The lady turned away and continued her useless chatter with another relative of Bhaskar as Khusi passed him a thankful smile. Keya and Animesh Goswami's face fell when they heard Bhaskar's words as if they were expecting him to take their side.

She was glad that Bhaskar said take children and not have children. There was a small hint of adoption, which his family might not have catched, but Khus had.

Later that night, as they came back to his room, Khusi hugged him, resting her cheeks on his broad back. Bhaskar turned around and wrapped his arms around Khusi, snuggling his face in Khusi's neck.

"Thanks. I love you."

Laying a chaste kiss on Khusi's crown, Bhaskar smiled at her. "It's our life. None should be given the charge."

It didn't matter to Khusi anymore whether Bhaskar liked PDA or not. He stood up for her, and that was more than enough.


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