40. Judgment Day

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Life is unpredictable. Because if it wasn't, a few months ago, Khusi would have never imagined in her wildest dreams that she would be sitting in a courtroom, filled with hundreds of people. That too for a child, whom she didn't even know existed a few months ago.

Diyasha's palm was sweating profusely as she sat beside Khusi, her nervous eyes jumping from a fuming Nitin to a smirking Abhay from time to time. On her left was sitting the tiny boy David, hunched up in a jacket twice his size. He looked so small and vulnerable that Khusi didn't waste a second before strolling up to him and kissing his cheeks tenderly, when he had stepped inside the courtroom.

Diyasha didn't know where she would be standing at the end of this court hearing, whether she would be alive anymore or not, whether she would have a home to return to or not, or whether she would ever be able to hug David. But she knew she couldn't sit silently anymore.

Jay Agarwall, the lawyer fighting against Nitin, submitted Diyasha's profile to the Judge for examination. When she arrived at the beginning of the hearing, everyone one was surprised except Jay and Khusi. Diyasha had called her up early that morning to inform her about being the witness against Nitin.

Charu Dixit tried a lot to plead to the judge against the new witness which was arriving out of thin air, and that they needed time but Jay played his tactics there. His only words were, 'what does Ms. Charu thinks Diyasha holds, that she is pleading for extra time?' This played exactly how Khusi was hoping and the Judge dismissed Ms. Charu's pleas.

The video tapes were submitted once again in judicial custody along with the audio recording, and when they were played in the courtroom in front of everyone, Khusi was beyond horrified along with every other person inside the courtroom. She quickly darted out, taking David in her arms cause she didn't want him to relive those moments.

A few of the journalists and paparazzi, who had managed to slip inside the premises, tried to enquire about Khusi on the ongoing case, but they were quickly dismissed by the police personnel brought by Abhay for Khusi's protection.

A few minutes later Khusi was summoned to the witness stand where she was thoroughly questioned by Ms. Charu. To play dirty, she even tried to bring up her failed marriage and her living with a man without any legal ties, but they were strongly opposed by Jay, which the Judge sanctioned.

Those moments had been difficult for Khusi but one look at Abhay and his reassuring gaze eased her nerves. She was strong enough to hold her feet and didn't let anyone crumble her resolve.

As Khusi stepped down the witness stand Nitin Joshi and his lawyer, Charu, were glaring at her but she paid them no heed. Sauntering towards the spectators seats she kept her head high and face blank.

After a few moments it was Diyasha's turn. Her eyes were restless and her limbs were shaky. She was scared of the uncertain future. Khusi squeezed her hand in silent support when she stood up and slicked towards the witness stand.

Jay did his part of the job and asked her the required questions. She stood her ground strong and acted as the alibi, confirming the truthfulness of the video footage. People present in the courtroom, a few of Nitin's fellow party members, gasped horrifiedly. They knew he was a cruel man, but weren't aware of how disgusting he was.

When it was turn for Miss Charu to cross question Diyasha, she didn't leave a single chance to turn the fingers on her.

"If you knew for so long that your nephew was getting assaulted, then why didn't you lodge an FIR or complain to the police?"

"Why didn't you try to protect him?"

"Are you getting paid for being here today?"

"What made you change your heart that suddenly today you decided to come out and stand against your own cousin?"

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