29. Encounter ...

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Tapping her feet impatiently against the ground, Khusi blew air out of her mouth in sheer boredom, her gaze following the movements of the students leaving the school premises. The classes for the day were over by 10 am, as they had half days on Saturday.

"Oh ho Mrinal! Stop worrying so much about me. I will be home before papa comes. Trust me okay!" Yuti emphasized, her palm tapping an uninformed cop's arm as he stood there with a blank face, his arms crossed on his chest.

"Your highness, Sir has strictly ordered us to take you home. I can't allow you to go anywhere." Being new to the job, Mrinal couldn't afford opposing the OC's orders.

Yuti side-eyed Khusi nervously, agitation making Khusi's soles prick. Having no other choice, Khusi nodded discreetly, silently informing Yuti to go home. Their mission had to wait.

Mrinal was about to open his car's door when his phone rang. Gesturing Yuti not to move, he stepped away from her and received the call.

"Yes sir … "

Not letting the chance go to waste, Khusi ran upto Yuti and she jumped down the bonnet of the car. 

"Miss, listen to me. We are not postponing our plans. I will go home with that thickhead for now, and you will follow us unobtrusively. As soon as you see me going inside the home, don't go anywhere near the front gates. There will be guards there. Stand in the east lane of the house, I will meet you there soon," Yutu informed, her eyes locked on Mrinal's back as he spoke with someone over the phone.

Khusi's eyebrows shot up at Yuti's word. The way she was speaking, it was if they were going on an undercover mission. But it wasn't new for Yuti. She had seen her papa giving instructions in the same way several times over phone calls.

"But how will I keep up with the car?" Khusi asked, licking her lips in nervousness.

"Don't worry about it. I will manage. Now go, he's about to end the call." Yuti swayed her hands to send Khusi away.

"How do you know that?" Khusi was curious at the little girl's words.

"He's bobbing his head. Now go go."

Khusi quickly strode away from the scene and hid behind a pillar, watching the inspectors and Yuti from a distance. True to Yuti's words, Mrinal took his phone down from his ears within a few seconds and walked up to Yuti. 

Khusi was flabbergasted at Yuti's perception skills. Nevertheless, she knew their plan would be a complete failure. There was no way she would be able to match the speed of a car without getting noticed. 

Khusi watched Yuti with keen eyes, as she spoke to the uniformed hulk who was five times Yuti's height, her hands on her hips. She was running on low hopes, when Mrinal sighed, pinched the bridge of his nose and nodded curtly, holding out his hands towards the road.

He agreed to go without the car! How!?

Khusi couldn't believe her eyes. Mrinal followed Yuti, his face bored but eyes and posture taunt, as he kept his gait short to match Yuti's.

After waiting for a minute, Khusi hopped out of her hiding space and followed them from a distance, trying to stay out of sight. 

They kept on walking for several minutes. Yuti kept blabbering on something, to which Mrinal barely spoke, but kept responding.

After walking uphill and stepping downhill a few times, they finally came to a stop in front of a 2 storey wooden bungalow. Khusi's breath hitched at its beauty but she didn't dare to step in front of it, and took the left lane, feigning to talk with someone on her phone.

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