10. Missing ...

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Warning : Mature 🔥
Readers discretion is advised


Khusi eyes glimmered in a burning desire, as Monica, her colleague, narrated her last night activities with her husband, Ravi.

"His teeth were sharp as they left marks all over my neck and it was painful, but gosh ... that gushing down my core and those sparks in my veins, when he had thrusted himself in me out of nowhere," she sighed, fanning herself and Khusi gulped.

"What I absolutely loved about it last night was his hands, holding me down. I let him control me and in return it was worthy." Monica giggled, her face ruddy and radiating. Khusi chuckled, licking her lips.

Sex with Bhaskar was normal and vanilla ... nothing extra ordinary or to be savoured. He mostly loved gentle love-making which made Khusi come anyway, but from time to time she wanted to try some new and exciting things too. She wanted him to have a fierce, uncontrollable lure for her, leading to rough sex. But they mostly kept it confined within two to three positions.

"And you know what was the best part? We don't always do it only at night or only in the bedroom. He like to explore different positions at different times of the day. And Ravi have a way with his seductions. I can never say no to his demands, cause he knows exactly how to make me yield to him. He has this raw passion for me, which makes me swoon."

Khusi sighed and smiled at Monica. Atlteast someone had a satisfying sex life, unlike her. Bhaskar rarely initiated anything intimate outside bedroom. No teasing touches, no surprise kisses, no demanding sex at unusual times, even if they lived alone. Monica, on the other hand lived with her in-laws and her husband still managed to do sneaky romance.

It was as if Khusi and Bhaskar were room-mates cum bestfriends, with the added benefit of sex from time to time. Bhaskar rarely showed any passion or magnetism towards her, unless he wanted it at nights, maybe once or twice a week. She felt hungry, and incomplete.

When Khusi returned home that afternoon, she decided to do something about their not-so-flaming sex life. Discarding her bag, she took a shower and rummaged thought her closet to look for something which looked remotely sexy. Unfortunately, she wasn't into bying alluring lingeries, so she didn't get what she was looking for.

Sulking was not in her nature, so she decided to use her mobile for one good use, rather than scrolling though IG.

Various articles popped up, illuminating her with tactics, she never knew existed. She hastily stood up and made her way to her wardrobe again, this time looking for the bikini she bought on her honeymoon. Getting rid of her boring bra, she tied the black bikini laces on her nape and grabbed one of Bhaskar's loose t-shirts, paired with an old shorts which was tight around her butts and thighs. Pulling down her neckline to accentuate the curve of her shoulders and to bare her neck, she tied her hair in a messy bun, and applied light natural makeup.

Satisfied with her look, she decided to make that day's dinner, even though it wasn't her turn. Afterall, she needed Bhaskar to have stamina for what was about to happen later.

When Bhaskar returned that evening, he had been watching the recipe of chicken kofta on YouTube, which Khusi had demanded him last week, to make. His eyes were stuck on the phone as he sat down on the sofa, discarding his socks and shoes.

"Khusi, please give me some water."

Khusi strolled towards Bhaskar, mischievously smiling and swaying her hips. Handling him the glass, Bhaskar tore his eyes from the screen to thank her, when he choked on the water at the open display of Khusi's cleavage.

"What is it?" she feigned innocence, fluttering her eyelids.

"What are you wearing?" he gravelled and cleared his throat, his eyes roving Khusi neck and collarbones. The sight was igniting fire in Bhaskar's body.

"They are comfortable," Saying that, Khusi strolled towards the kitchen when Bhaskar eyes widened at the tightness of Khusi's shorts around her ass and hips.

Khusi bit the insides of her cheeks to fight the smile that was making it's way up her face. She decided to appear unbothered and stirred the food in the casserole.

Bhaskar's eyes were glued to her neck, and the curve of her waist, his feet on autopilot mode as he sauntered towards Khusi and kissed her shoulder blade.

"Have you turn sexy overnight?" he asked, in a husky voice and Khusi rolled her eyes. She was always sexy, he was just a big idiot to never notice.

Not in the mood to spoil the moment, she moaned lowly, as Bhaskar lips glided on her neck, leaving soft bites and caresses. She turned her head and bared her neck to him, her core clenching as Bhaskar fingers teased her abdomen.

Turning towards him, she turned off the gas and sat up on the kitchen counter pulling Bhaskar collar and slammed her lips on his.


The lub dub of Bhaskar's heart beneath Khusi's cheek was so soothing, that she didn't have the heart to get up to answer her nature's call.

Last night was good, better than what they had been doing since their first time. But she expected more. Her satisfaction wasn't right upto the brim. In the beginning it was all hard and erotic, but after one round when Bhaskar had carried her to their bedroom, things had fallen back to the old circle.

She was majorly missing the fiercy passion Monica was talking about. Khusi was upset that Bhaskar would probably go back to his old unromantic self.

"Hey," Bhaskar groaned, his morning voice husky and deep.

Kissing him on the junction of his neck, Khusi straddled Bhaskar, not in the mood to start the day.

"Another round?"


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