7. Plannings ...

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Khusi checked her watch for the umpteenth time, agitation nipping her insides. It was 11 pm and Bhaskar hadn't return from the college. Sighing out, she eyed the decoration.

The curtains bedecked with rice lights and scented candles lit on the tiny table on their cozy balcony. She had spread out blankets and pillows on another corner to make a cozy makeshift bed. The wall hangings on the grill were hiding them from the outside world.

A perfect date night Khusi had planned for their 10 month anniversary. It was a bit petulant, for them to celebrate 10 months of togetherness, like two randy teenagers who were crazy in love. But she wanted to do something special for Bhaskar.

He wasn't much romantic so she had to do the romantic stuff. But Bhaskar cared about Khusi, and she was happy with it. Like every other women, she had wishes for a man who would shower love on her every chance he got and pamper her to no ends. But the reality wasn't a fairy tale.

She was satisfied that Bhaskar was decent enough. He cared about her, helped her in almost every household work, never pressurized her for sex, listened to her problems and had perfect solutions. He was logical, and whenever Khusi had freaked out about querulous problems, that weren't even there in the first place, he had calmed her down and gave her reasonable solutions.

Like that one time when Khusi had went on a short trip at Yercaud with her colleagues, for 3 days. She had forgotten to take her medicines and was crying over the call, how she might not return in a healthy condition, when Bhaskar had calmed her down. He made a list of the elements of each medicine and sent it to her. She had went to the medicine store and got the exact pills she needed, just with different names.

She adored Bhaskar's practical minded nature.

The bell rang and she sighed, quickly jumping to her feet. Opening the door, her gaze stilled at Bhaskar who tettered inside, massaging the bridge of his nose.

"Everything okay?" Khusi asked, taking his bag from Bhaskar. He propped down on the couch in the living room, his head leaned back and eyes closed.

"Tiring day," he murmered, rubbing his face. Khusi poured him a glass of water and he gulped it down voraciously.

"Can you please serve the dinner. I will change and come." Bhaskar stood up, making his way towards their room when Khusi leaped infront of her. The room was decorated with fairy lights and rose petals, a cake waiting for them. But given the circumstances Khusi didn't want him to know.

"Wait. I will take out your clothes. Why don't you get fresh in the other room?" she suggested, passing a wry smile. Bhaskar's eyes narrowed at her weird statement.

"I would rather take comfort in the ambiance of our room." Without waiting for Khusi to reply, he prowled inside the room only to stop dead on his track, his eyebrows puckering, Khusi running behind him.

"Bhaskar ... "

"What the hell is all this Khusi?" he exhaled an exasperated sigh, massaging his forehead.

"Um, it's our 10 month anniversary so I planned to give you a surprise," she mumbled nervously eying the room and Bhaskar.

"Clean all this shit, right now. And what the hell is 10 month anniversary!? Anniversary means one year. We are not teenagers. Grow up."

Tears sprang into Khusi's eyes at Bhaskar harsh words. It was a bit immature from her side, but not even acknowledging her efforts was unexpected from him.

She quickly cleaned the room, served Bhaskar dinner, and went to sleep without having any food.


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