5. Honeymoon Phase ...

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Bhaskar's lips glided down her neck as Khusi giggled, trying to swat his face away.

"Stop," she groaned, swatting her hand to push away the body, which was the source of warmth on her back.

"Wakie wakie Khusi. We didn't come her to sleep." Bhaskar tickled Khusi and her sleep vanished, her eyes shotting open.


Both of them settled down on the bed, huffing and panting. Khusi's face was red with all the laughter and Bhaskar was grinning because of mini make-out session they had. They were yet to explore the physical aspect of their relationship as Khusi wanted to take more time get to know him, before they cloud have sex.

"Take shower, I will meet you at the foyer."

After the shower, Khusi searched her bag and took out the birth control pills. Popping one out, she swallowed it down with water and put her hair up in a bun.

Sure they haven't started having sex but they were on their honeymoon. Things could accelerate anytime. She didn't want to appear unprepared, if the time suddenly came.

Khusi and Bhaskar spent their whole day at the Cinque island, taking lots of pictures, mainly of Khusi and having fun at the beach. It was one of the best islands in South Andaman.

"Wow, when did you click this many pictures?" Bhaskar asked, sitting beside Khusi on a folding beach chair, his hat shadowing his face, going through Khusi's posts on Facebook.

"When you were busy sleeping at the resort," Khusi taunted.

"I still thinks Shimla would have been a better honeymoon destination."

Khusi rolled her eyes. "No, I hate winter and rocky mountains. It isn't romantic at all. On the top of that, it's unsafe to travel on those steep roads and you know I hate heights. This is much better. Nothing can be beautiful and romantic than spending time at beaches." Khusi was delighted to be there. She always wanted to visit Andaman and Nicobar islands. When Bhaskar asked suggestions regarding their honeymoon destination, she didn't waste a second before choosing this, and she didn't regret her decision.

They had been enjoying their time with each other, along with the exotic location, for the last 7 days. They were still exploring each other and getting to know each other's preferences and choices in bed too.

When they went back to their resort that evening, Bhaskar had been giving Khusi heated looks all through out the afternoon. Khusi's body was warming up too, since Bhaskar had left teasing touches on her neck, thighs and back.

Being with him alone in the room, was making her more bothered up. Cornering Khusi up against the wall, his fingers glided over her waist and side, pimping out goosebumbs on her body.

"What are you doing?" Khusi's breath mingled with Bhaskar's as his lips glided over her cupid's bow and chin.

"Teasing my wife."

Their bodies were yearning for one another, so without wasting another minute, they tugged at each other's clothes as Bhasakar picked Khusi up and layed her down on the bed gently. They didn't want to wait anymore.

"You are driving me crazy Khusi. I want you," Bhaskar rasped, his lips and teeth leaving a trail on Khusi's neck and collarbones.

Khusi pulled Bhaskar by griping his nape and slammed her lips on his, her tongue poking out to tease him.

Their body tangled in sheets as the temperature of the room rose with every second, breathing warmth into their pulse.

"I want to tell you something," Khusi murmered breaking the kiss as Bhaskar's lips glided on her jaw.

"That can wait Khusi," Bhaskar groaned out, not in mood of taking at all. Blood had rushed down his manhood and he was turned on.

He was just about to kiss Khusi again when she turned her face away reluctantly, making Bhaskar sigh.

"Okay, tell me." They sat up on the bed, Khusi face ruddy ... and Bhaskar eyes brooding as he bit his lip.

"I want a promise." Khusi urged and Bhaskar groaned out

"Khusi ...," he drawled, running his hands through his disheveled hair.

"Please," she implored.

"What is it?" he breathed out.

Drawing a deep breath, Khusi entertwined their fingers and stared right back into Bhaskar chestnut brown eyes. Bhaskar's eyebrows drew in confusion, looking at Khusi's serious face and posture.

"This is very important step for me Bhaskar, and I need you to promise me that you will always be honest with me, no matter what. Even if you don't want to be with me oneday."

At Khusi's words a small but genuine grin broke on Bhaskar lips. Gently cupping her cheeks, he kissed her eyebrows and whispered, "Of course Khusi. I will never be dishonest with you. You have no reasons to worry about. Our marriage is very important for me and I won't do anything which might need me to become dishonest with you."

Relief swarmed into Khusi's heart. She needed to hear that. Now a days, lack of proper communication, and dishonesty were resulting in divorces and break ups so much, that Khusi was worried about her marriage. They were still on their honeymoon phase but that would pass in a month or two. And then, things might turn boring for them.

Khusi wanted Bhaskar to be honest every moment. She didn't want a person who would only be with her for responsibilities or for the sake of society. She wanted someone who would be there for her, no matter what, even if the odds were against her. Even when the world would be against her.

"One more thing," Khusi spoke making Bhaskar give her an adoring look.

"I don't want a child."

Bhaskar chuckled and lunged ar Khusi making her screech in astonishment.

"Of course. We won't have any child. Not unless you want it." Bhaskar rumbled, snuggling into Khusi neck as she giggled out, "Okay, now we can proceed."

Khusi was overjoyed that Bhaskar was also against having children.


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