11. Disinterest ...

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Khusi's balanced her mobile between her shoulder and ear, walking out of a mall.

"Yes Ma. Bhaskar is healthy as a horse. Now please stop inquiring about your son-in-law and ask about your daughter's health already?"

Renuka chuckled, amused at her daughter's annoyance. She adored Bhaskar and was content, that her daughter got a really caring and understanding life partner.

"When are you coming back to town? It's almost been a year since you visited us?" Khusi pursued her lips at Renuka grumpy demand. She didn't get time at all, like Bhaskar, to visit their parents, due to heavy work loads and managing their home.

"I will try next month, but no promises Ma," Khusi grimaced, getting in her cab, dumping the shopping bags beside her.

Renuka sighed, not exactly displeased but disappointed. She missed her daughter and spending time with her. But that's how life was. A woman always has to go away to her in-laws, or that's what the society had made Renuka and millions of people, believe. In this case, however, it was work which kept Khusi away.

"Khusi, there's something I want to ask," Renuka was a bit hesitant about bringing this topic up, cause she didn't want to pry in Khusi intimate life. But a mother always had her fair share of worries.

"What is it Ma?" Khusi aksed, rummaging through her hand bag to look for the power bank. She was running low on battery and the phone could die any moment.

"It's almost 2 years since you're married. Have you considered having a baby now?" Khusi movements stilled at Renuka's words and she rolled her eyes.

"For the hundredth time Ma. I. Don't. Want. A. Baby. How many times will I have to repeat the same words to you?" Khusi was frustrated over the fact that her mother was still pestering her regarding having a child of her own, when she had clearly told her parents not to bring up the topic of pregnancy.

"Don't tell me that you still are stubborn about adopting. You're being immature Khusi. We women has the power to procreate. Why waste a perfectly healthy chance to make an heir?"

"Because I don't want to Ma. End of discussion." Khusi wanted this argument to be over. Her nosy neighbours had already started irritating her, regarding the same thing.

"This is not the way life runs Khusi. You should have a baby. It is an amazing experience, trust me on this. Nothing can beat that happiness and joy when you feel a life inside you. And the first time you will hold him ... "

"Aren't you missing the nitty-grittes Mother?" Khusi gritted, her annoyance spiking.

Before Renuka could reply, Khusi continued, "Morning sickness, fatigue, back pain, mood swings, feet and nasal swellings, weight gain ..."

"Okay, okay ... stop!" Khusi would have given a interminable list of problems every woman face during and after pregnancy, if Renuka hadn't interrupted her.

"So you see ... I am perfectly happy with the way my life is. Why bring a calamity by one's own imprudence?"

"You have to face troubles and hardships if you want something precious Khusi, which can give you all the happiness in the world."

"I will pass. I don't need anyone else, even a part of me, to bring me any kind of happiness. I am perfectly capable of doing that myself."

Renuka was about to say something but the line disconnected as Khusi's phone died. She heaved a relaxed sigh and threw it inside her bag, not in the mood to talk to her mother anytime soon.


It was almost lunch time when Khusi returned, one Sunday, from the grocery store. The moment she stepped her foot inside her apartment, a giggle chimed in the hallway and her movements stilled.

"Thanks you so much sir. You're my savior." The girl from the other day, was sitting beside Bhaskar, on the couch, as Bhaskar passed her a smile and kept a book on the table.

"Don't mention it Sanjana. I am your mentor. It's my duty to help you."

None of them had detected Khusi's presence yet, as she stood on the foyer, fuming, her eyes narrowed at the proximity between the two.

"So, it's Sunday. What are your plans for the evening sir? We could visit a cafe which had recently opened," Sanjana suggested, at which Bhaskar paled, flabbergasted at her proposition.

Khusi rage heightened at her words. The audacity of this little girl. She was just about to step in when Bhaskar spoke, "No Sanjana. I have plans with my wife, this evening."

Sanjana, flustered at Bhaskar's rebuff, excused herself quickly, to leave. On her way out, Khusi glared at her and she quickly scampered away.

"Hey." Laying a gentle kiss on Bhaskar's cheek, Khusi sat beside him on the couch, proud at his behaviour, as well as oddly feeling possessive.

"When did you arrive?" Bhaskar wrapped his arms around Khusi's shoulder and cuddled her into his chest.

"I love you."

She didn't feel like talking so she snuggled up into his lap and closed her eyes. Bhaskar smiled at Khusi cute tactics and her confession. Deciding not to bother her, he took out his phone and scrolled through his FB feed when a post from one of his colleagues caught his attention.

"Aww," he cooed, to which Khusi eyes snapped opened.

"Cute." Khusi smiled at the picture of a four months old baby girl.

"Isn't she?" Bhaskar was in awe. The little angle looked absolutely adorable.

Khusi was just about to rest back on Bhaskar's chest, when his next words stilled her movements.

"Khusi, I was wondering, have you decided when you will stop taking the contraceptive pills?"

She passed him a baffled look.

"Why will I do that?"

"I know you said that you don't want children right now. But I'm curious. Like have you thought at which age you want to have one? May be, two to three years from now?"

Khusi narrowed her eyes at Bhaskar's statement and sat up straight, her eyebrows scrunching up.

"Never Bhaskar. I will never stop taking the pills, cause I never want to have any baby."

As soon as Khusi's words registered in Bhaskar head, all the colors vanished from Bhaskar face and he passed her a 'are-you-being-serious' look?



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