6. Sharing ...

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The elevator pinged to stop as Khusi's eyes snapped open. Her body was half way leaning on the glass wall, exhausted from the hectic day. Swallowing down a yawn, she dragged her feet down the hallway, carrying herself to her apartment.

Her fingers dug in her bag to retrieve the keys when her eyes stilled on the bulb over the door, flashing. Bhaskar was already home.

Exhaling a tried sigh, she rang the bell. The door opened within a minute, a blank face Bhaskar staring right at her.

Mentally grimacing at how late it was, she tettered inside, an apology on the tip of her tongue, when her eyes halted on the dinner table.

This was the fourth time this week, when she was late and couldn't me more sorry about that. Her apologetic gaze drifted to Bhaskar who sat down on the couch, a football match playing on the TV.

Strolling upto him, Khusi laid a chaste kiss on Bhaskar forehead, who facial features were still calm. "I will be back in two minutes."

She sauntered in her room, quickly discarding her clothes and getting fresh. Both of them had decided weeks ago that she will make dinner thrice a week and Bhaskar, the other three days. On Sundays, they would either go out or order food to spend time with each other.

But this whole week it was only Bhaskar who had cooked. She was late from school everyday, due to the sports day preparations going on.

When Khusi strolled out of her room, her hair up in a bun, Bhaskar was arranging the plates on the table, preparing for their dinner. She held his hands and his movements stilled. "Sit. I will serve."

They had their dinner in pin drop silence, Khusi not sure how to start the conversation. When it was time for desert, Khusi took out a tub of butterscotch ice-cream from the freezer with two spoons.

Bhaskar lips twitched up in a smile at her actions. She knew Bhaskar could never say no to icecreams. As expected Bhaskar snatched the tub from Khusi and devoured, a chuckle broking out of Khusi throat.

After he was done, he kept the tub aside and Khusi licked clean her spoon. "It's Sunday tomorrow. Where do you wanna order from?" Bhaskar asked, gulping down water voraciously. Khusi found this habit of his strange. Drinking water after eating ice cream, but never questioned it.

"How about I make my infamous chicken curry and fried rice tomorrow, rather than ordering?"

Bhaskar's eyes widened in glee. He loved Khusi's chicken curry but she rarely got time to cook it. "That would be awesome. But don't you want to take rest on the weekend?" He was a bit skeptical cause he knew how hard Khusi was working for sports day at her school.

Swating away his worries, Khusi smiled. "Don't worry about it. I can take rest at noon and order dinner. We can go grocery shopping together and you can help me while I prepare the food." He happily nodded. Bhaskar never left a chance to spent time with Khusi.

The next day, both went to the market to buy the necessary items needed. They argued, bickered and made fun of other people, together, while shopping. It was infront of the meat shop when Bhaskar's phone rang. One of his students had called, so Khusi bought the rest of the things alone.

As they came back home, Bhaskar decided to take bath cause he was dripping wet due to sweat. One thing Khusi hated about Bhaskar was him sweating, and he sweated a lot.

"Gross! Go!" She pushed him away as Bhaskar tried to hug her, teasing.

Meanwhile Khusi chopped the required vegetables and prepared the spices as she hated packaged spices. When Bhaskar returned after his bath, both of them prepared the food together, sharing the task in hand.

Due to the helping hand, the food was ready on time. Khusi and Bhaskar had their lunch, gossiping and chatting over anything and everything. They had become each other's bestfriend over the course of time and both couldn't wish for a better life partner.


It was during mid December when Khusi was almost awoke till 3 am every night, not coming to bed on time. This had annoyed and worried Bhaskar at the same time. Their sex life was fulfilling but that month they had rarely spent time with one another. So one time, Bhaskar decided to sneak on her. He didn't suspect Khusi of cheating on him or anything. It was curiosity that drove him.

The time was 1:30 am when Bhaskar tiptoed to the small guest room where Khusi had locked herself since that evening. Silently turning the door knob he peaked inside, his eyes narrowed in slits due to the low lights on the hallway, only to chuckle out at the sight.

Khusi, who was sitting on the floor, with colors, chart boards, stickers and color papers, was leaning on a chair, lightly snoring. He strolled inside and when his eyes fell on the santa cap and cotton, realization dawned upon him.

"Khusi, hey?"

He gently shook her and Khusi eye's snapped open, startling.

"Oh shit. I need to finish all the santa masks by today. How could I fall asleep!? The Christmas celebration is in 2 days at school," she panicked, her hair and eyes wild.

"Khusi, calm down." Bhaskar grabbed her shoulders and she stilled.

"Go and wash your face. We'll have coffee and resume the work together, okay?" Khusi's eyes widened at his words.

"No Bhaskar. You have college tomorrow morning. You don't have to ... " she hesitated, knowing Bhaskar would be tired.

"You idiot. It's my Christmas holidays. Now go and freshen up. I will prepare the coffee." Khusi yielded to Bhaskar's words silently.

That night Khusi and Bhaskar spent their time, making cute Santa masks and decorative balls to be hung on the Christmas tree. The holy occasion strengthened their bond more.


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