39. Convincing ...

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A cold breeze swept past her neck, leaving behind a trail of goosebumps on Khusi's jacket clad arms. She blew out a breath and it transformed into smoke in front of her eyes,before disappearing in thin air.

"Come - on teachers! Hurry up ! You have got only an hour left before the sun goes down. I need the whole premise ready by tomorrow afternoon," Mr. Agartala, the rudest principal anyone could have ever come across in their life, hollered, his stern eyes slithered from one corner of the premise to another, before he strode back inside the school building.

The teachers grunted in annoyance but they were helpless. Zeniya stood up on her tiptoes and tried to attach the fairy lights on top of the Christmas tree, Khusi standing behind her, covered in thick scarf and an enormous jacket, which covered more than half of her stature, a few glass bulbs and miniatures in her grasp.

"Hey guys!! Look! A snowflake!" Minaskshi's screech sounded irritated to their ears as both of them tried to finish the task in hand as soon as possible and get back under a thick blanket savoring the moment with some warm coffee.

"Calm down Mina," Zeeniya muttered, rolling her eyes but she paid no heed. Minakshi trotted on the field, her eyes twinkling with happiness as she picked up some snow and tried to make a ball out of it.

"How com ... uff!" She tried to throw the snowball at Khusi's direction but the moment her hand was up in the air, her foot slipped and her body went under a thick layer of snow.

Khusi and Zeeniya couldn't help but chortle at Minaskshi's silly tactics. She was more childish than any other kid in the entire school.

With the help of 5 other teachers, it took the trio more than an hour to finish Christmas decorations. But it was already past dusk by that time.

"Hey, you two are coming to my Christmas party, right?" Mina asked, her eyes twinkling with unruly excitement, as she wiggled her eyebrows.

Zeeniya grunted but nodded nonetheless. Their eyes turned towards Khusi who grimaced behind her scarf. She had plans with Yuti, but didn't have the heart to break Minaskshi's hopes.

"Um, I can't promise ... I mean, I will try," she whispered the last part, hoping they wouldn't enquire about her absence.

"Why not? Do you have plans, with your blankets, coffee and hardcover?" Minakshi's teasing tone set Khusi's heart at ease but it didn't last long. Zeeniya's eyes narrowed on her for a second before it rounded in realisation.

"Ohhhhhh ! No Mina, how will she come to our party? She has plans, but not with all the nonliving objects you just mentioned. But with a breathing living human. Specifically her man."

Khusi's cheeks burned with embarrassment as she tried to fight the emerging smile on her lips, but failed.

Minaskshi hooted and Zeeniya poked Khusi's side, making her chuckle, her hands coming up to cup her warm cheeks.

"Stop it you guys! It's just not him. Yuti will also be there!"

"As if that had stopped you." One of Zeeniya's perfect eyebrows shot up, hinting at that time when Khusi and Abhay made love like rabbits.

"Guys please! That was a one time thing," Khusi mumbled, shaking her head to stop her brains from recreating those moments back in her head.

"It doesn't need to be. Don't tell you you never got the urge to sleep with Mr. Handsome hunk of a cop every again?" Minaskshi nudged Khusi's shoulder making her stumble over a little rock before Zeeniya grabbed her to steady her on her feet.

"I don't want to talk about this anymore." Khusi deadpanned, making a zipping gesture over her lips, resulting in Zeeniya and Minakshi breaking out in chuckles.

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