42. Promotions ...

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A grumble of frustration was resting at the base of Abhay's throat as he inspected the 5 page long document for the 8th time. Every minute details about the petty robbery case were inked on the page. There was hardly anything worth taking in that house for the robber, but that didn't mean he could go easy on him or not take the case seriously. And some days, he just wished we could vanish for a few days and relieve himself of his responsibilities as the OC of the town.

It was one of the most tiring, frustrating, time consuming and stressful jobs. Abhay knew when he had taken up the position, but every human has his limits. Exhaustion was at its peak and the only thing Abhay wanted was for the day to end.

"I don't understand, what's wrong with it?" he snarled, slapping the sheets of paper on his desk. Kaden, who was twitching in his position, thinned his lips, his throat drying at the furious look on Abhay's face was apoplectic. The IC of the main town just needed a reason to rile Abhay up. The report was inexplicably perfect but he still wasn't satisfied.

"Bade sahib ne bola ki kuch thik nehi lag raha," Manish, a lanky lad, the IC's messenger, who was standing near the exit of the room said indifferently, which riled up Abhay more.

(The elder officer said something is wrong with the report.)

"Why don't you tell your Bare sahib then to tell me exactly what's wrong?" Abhay's rage was hanging on a very thin line. Any second now, and he would detonate.

"He is busy."

"And you think I am lazing around here!?" Abhay's chair made a screeching noise as it dragged across the floor, as he stood up with a flash, his palm slamming on the table. Kaden's heart leaped up to his throat and Manish scurried out of the police station as Abhay bellowed behind him.

"Useless bastards. That man just need a fucking reason to annoy me and waste my time," Abhay's head was pounding with a headache, as he slumped down on his chair and lit up a cigarette.

His eyes went to his mobile which was resting on his table, and inadvertently his hands beckoned towards it. Tapping the screen, the screen lit up and unobtrusively his anger subsided a little at the sight.

It was a picture of Khusi and Yuti, which he had sneakily clicked one day when they had gone out. A lazy smile spread upon his face and just like that his headache lessened a bit. He sighed deeply and closed his eyes, reliving the day.

Merely a minute passed when the vibration of his phone caught his attention. He threw away the half burnt cigarette in the ashtray and sat up straight.

"Sir." He received the call.

"Officer Mathur, how are you?" Kabir Verma, the SP of the district, was an austere man. He resented tardiness and idle officers, and was uncompromising when it came to his duties.

Abhay had been in his good books since the day he went against an IC to prove a major mistake in his duties. Since then, the SP had kept a keen eye on every activity of Abhay.

"Doing good sir. Thank you," Abhay clipped, pushing himself on his feet.

"Hmm, listen officer Mathur. I have good news for you." Abhay, who was strolling in his office room, to stretch his muscles came to a halt at the words.

"Your excellent investigation in the case regarding Nitin Joshi has brought you to the spotlight. The authority is very pleased with your work and I had words with the higher officials. And they have granted me the permission to promote you."

Abhay remained silent, his heart beating furiously as an unsure smile hovered over his lips.

"Mr Mathur, you're now a DSP." The SP's words reverberated in his ears as a wide beam broke out on Abhay's lips. He couldn't believe he was getting a double promotion. His legs gave out as he plopped down on the edge of his desk, his fist pushed against his lips, his happiness knew no bounds.

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