18. Revelations ...

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The ground beneath Khusi feet shook as she stared back at Bhaskar in pure bewilderment. Her smile diminished in thin air and her heart seemed to stop.

"Di ... divorce?" she whispered, waiting for Bhaskar to crack out loudly that he was kidding. But the serious resolve on Bhaskar's chestnut eyes, with a hint of smile on his lips, were saying another story. Something Khusi was dreading to hear.

"Yes. But before that let me show you the source of my happiness." Bhaskar sauntered out of the apartment, and Khusi stumbled back, her knees weak, slumping down on a couch.

"Be careful," Bhaskar gingerly whispered, bringing in a woman, his fingers cupping her shoulders. As soon as the woman looked up, Khusi's face paled, and her stomach clenched.

That girl student? What was she doing there? Why the hell was Bhaskar asking for a divorce from Khusi for her? Why was he treating her like a porcelain doll!?

"Khusi, meet Sanjana Choudhury. She's carrying my child." Everything else blurred for Khusi as she stared back at both of them with horrified eyes. Sanjana's gaze clueless and scared, Bhaskar's gleaming.

"Wha ... what?" Khusi asked in a daze, unable to process the information.

"Sanjana is pregnant with my baby," Bhaskar annouced, beaming widely.

"You!" Pushing herself on her feet, Khusi charged at Sanjana, her eyes red with rage. Bhaskar quickly pulled Sanjana away and stood infront of her, guarding his child carrier from his wife.

"Khusi! Control yourself. She's pregnant!" Bhaskar bellowed, his stance protective.

"Are you out of your mind Bhaskar!? You cheated on me! How are still having the guts to look straight at me and talk!?" Khusi's brain went haywire. She couldn't make a head or tail of the situation. For a second she almost asked herself whether she was dreaming?

"Khusi, please calm down. I know what I did was wrong ... but look at the bigger picture here. I'm finally having a baby of my own." Bhaskar chuckled, brushing his hand on Sanjana's almost flat belly.

Sanjana looked heavily disturbed with the current scenario she was responsible for. Tears swarmed in her eyes, as she held herself accountable for the disheveled condition of Khusi.

"BHASKAR! Are you listening to yourself!? Don't I held any importance to you? You are not even hesitating once to say that you cheated on me!?" Khusi roared, grabbing Bhaskar's collar and jerked him towards her.

Sanjana gasped and took a few steps back from the fighting couple.

"I did Khusi ... I did feel guilty in the beginning." For a second Bhaskar's eyes glimmered with regret.

"That's why I had been trying to treat you right for the last one month."

Khusi shoved him away as tears profusely cascaded down her cheeks. Bhaskar's gaze glided away from Khusi towards Sanjana's shivering form, and a gentle smile spread on his face.

"But now I don't." He sauntered towards Sanjana and circled his arms around her waist.

Khusi's head turned blank as she glared at her husband and his child carrier with resentment.

"You're a heartless bastard," she hissed, prowling away from both of them.

"I am just being practical." Bhaskar stated, looking doing at Sanjana's stomach complacently.


"Listen to me Khusi. Don't take any rash decisions. Have a heart to heart conversation with Bhaskar," Shreya advised, as Khusi rubbed her cheeks. Tears had been her constant companion for the last 2 hours, as she stayed inside her room, locked.

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