white lies cover up the dirty truth

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George put his phone down, it was 11pm and wasn't able to able to sleep. There was nothing george could do, but feel bad about what he had said. He knew it wasn't right, he had this sinking feeling that made him uneasy.

He slid his hand to the right, picking up his phone. Trying to find the confidence to text Dream back. He opened up the messenger app, looking, reading over the previous conversation they had had earlier. His fingers began to type.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called you a swaggot"

He sighed and put the phone face down on the bed next to him. He put his hands over his face, like he was trying to hide his burning face, but there was nobody else in the room.

His eyes burned behind the cool darkness of his eyelids. George had been behind a screen almost all day. An hour or two after he woke up, he filmed a new video with Dream and Sapnap. He did a Jackbox stream with them and some other members of the SMP afterwards. That was when it had slipped out. He had noticed the way Dream's mood dropped, becoming more quiet, his usual energy dulled. It had been hard to get chat to calm down afterwards.

He groaned at the memories. He hoped this didn't change anything between them, that Dream could forgive him.

The phone buzzed next to him as a new notification came in. George's stomach sank, and he hesitated before grabbing it.

it's fine, Dream had sent.

are you sure?


The response made George cringe with guilt. It obviously wasn't.

i can make it up to you, he quickly typed. He was being genuine, he'd do anything to fix their relationship.

Dream left him on read.

He groaned and turned the phone off.

He sat up in bed for the first time in hours. He blinked, looking around the room with some confusion. It'd gotten dark while he was mindlessly scrolling, he hadn't noticed.

He got up and grabbed something to eat, leaving his phone on his desk. He returned with some cereal and settled into his chair, the harsh light making his face blue.

George checked his phone again to see he had a new text from Dream. He sighed with relief. Sometimes it did take his friend some time to respond, he was glad nothing had happened.

you don't need to. it's really nothing, he'd said.

no, i want to. he hesitated. maybe we can meet up and hang out? we can do whatever. my treat


George sighed and nodded. Alright.

wanna hop on the smp? he asked.

Dream agreed, and they both logged in. They didn't do much, not even streaming, just mindlessly chatting and messing around. BadBoyHalo was live, so they hung out with him for a bit before letting him get back to whatever he was doing. George was happy to see that chat noticed things were back to normal, finally shutting up.

After an hour or two, they both agreed it was getting late. They left the game, both of them still in the SMP Discord.

"We'll talk again tomorrow?" George asked. It wasn't even a question at this point, more like a given. But he was still worried about earlier.

"We will," Dream said. He could hear the smile in his voice.

He hesitated before blurting out,"I really am sorry. About earlier."

The mood shifted again, making George cringe. He regretted ever saying anything, even though he did mean it.

"It really is okay," he said quietly.

"Alright," George said hesitantly. He hurried to change the subject. "So, hey, wanna hang out Thursday?"

"Yeah! Yeah, sure," Dream seemed thankful for the change in subject.

"It's a plan, then," he smiled. He made a mental note to look up what could be open in the area.

"It's a plan," he agreed. After a moment, he added, "It is getting late, though."

George nodded, remembering a second later that Dream couldn't see him. "'Night, Dream."

"Goodnight George," his friend said before leaving the call.

George sat alone for a moment in VC3.

He was thankful they'd be able to meet up at all. He wasn't sure what he'd do otherwise. But he'd moved to America for family a few months ago, down south to Florida. He had been dazzled by the great big buildings, the huge serving sizes, the accents and the weather and all of it. The only part he didn't like was the way his accent stook out like a sore thumb. And the fact that he always struggled with driving, always having to mentally correct himself on the road.

He shook his head to clear it. He didn't want to be up too long overthinking. He had plans for tomorrow, to find something he and Dream could do together.

He closed Discord and crossed the room, climbing back into bed.

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