then into hazy mornings

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George woke up cold.

He blindly reached out, eyes still shut tight against the growing daylight. He didn't know exactly what he was reaching for, then, but his fingers only found an empty space in the mattress.

Dream, he thought, exhaustion still clouding his mind. He roughly wiped at his eyes and sat up.

The man was gone from bed. He'd left a note on the nightstand, something hastily scrawln onto a piece of scrap paper. George had to read it twice to make any sense of the messy handwriting.

You were still asleep when I got up, Dream had written. But the storm is getting better so I went out to check for damage. I'll be back soon. (:

George sighed and set the note down. He noticed that his soup bowl from the night before had been taken away (he mentally thanked Dream, for what felt like the millionth time). In its place was an empty glass and a bottle of Pepto.

He groaned at the sight of it. He'd forgotten about everything, the pain having been dulled by sleep. But Dream obviously wanted him to do this, so he might as well. It was worth a shot, right? And he figured he was comfortable enough here...

"How much--" he muttered to himself as he grabbed the bottle, looking for the dosage amount. "The fuck?" All the writing was too small for him to see at this time of day.

He shrugged and started pouring some into the cup. Maybe like a mouthful or two would be good. He added a little extra just to be sure, leaving the bottle nearly empty.

"That can't be right," George said, looking at the glass. It was more than half full.

"Well, we'll see what happens," he said with a laugh, trying to play it off. But he was starting to get some anxiety around the whole thing. Maybe this was not the best idea he'd ever had.

He went to the bathroom with the glass and his phone.

George sighed and took a sip. He recoiled at first, smacking his lips. That was a taste. It wasn't altogether unpleasant, but it was definitely something. It was more sweet than anything. And oddly nostalgic, for when his parents had made him drink this by the bottle back in the day. Before they realized what the problem really was.

"Yeah, maybe this isn't the best idea," he said, but he'd already taken about two sips. Might as well finish it at that point.

He studied himself in the mirror. His stomach had started to curve, probably from everything building up over the past few days.

"I look like I'm pregnant," he said out loud.

He had a strange wave of emotion after saying it. It wasn't the dumbest idea ever. He even slept with the sock... and he hadn't seen it afterwards.

"That's actually so fucking stupid," he said, shaking his head.

He sat on the toilet with his phone. The power was still on, thankfully. The rain really was lightening up.

He had several waiting Snapchats. He got to Sapnap and Karl first, then was about to get to Quackity's when a new one came in from Dream.

It was a quick selfie, just of Dream standing outside. But something about his crooked smile, the look in his eyes--

George screenshotted it before he even read the caption (you up yet?).

He sent back a quick photo of his face from the eyes-up with the simple caption of "yup."

Dream screenshotted it almost instantly.

George rolled his eyes and waited for a new message to come in.

They had a pretty normal conversation considering everything. It ended with Dream agreeing he'd grab some food if the water cleared up, but only after George's begging him to for a few messages (all of them screenshotted, "for future blackmail").

George sighed after the conversation ended. Nothing was happening, so he wrapped up, washed his hands, and went to the living room.

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