dancing in the moonlight

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here are some songs with the general vibe of this chapter / the next one or two, if you'd like them:

dancing in the moonlight-toploader

latch-disclosure & sam smith


criminal cash-red flags

They stepped onto the grass together, both waiting for the other to start.

Dream took the lead, placing a steady hand on George's hip and his shoulder. George followed, a little nervous, but put his hand on the same places.

They started to sway, somewhat awkwardly.

George decided to take the lead this time, and they started moving and dancing across the wet grass.

They didn't need any music, just each other. There wasn't any noise or even people around; It was just them and the moon.

George looked into his eyes and felt his thoughts start to wander.

He wondered why Dream had wanted to do this in the first place. He'd said it was romantic...

He thought back to the house, when Dream had kissed him and held him. He hadn't thought much of it in his distress, he'd just written it off as a comforting gesture. But now he had to wonder if possibly... Dream could feel the same way?

"What are you thinking about?" Dream's voice pulled him back to the present.

George's heart pounded as he said, "You."

Dream stopped, eyes briefly widening, and George panicked. He'd said the wrong thing. He'd said the wrong thing and he'd fucked everything up...

Dream pulled him closer, moving his hand from his shoulder to his lower back. They'd never been this close before. It was overwhelming, between the heat of their bodies and the way Dream was looking at him and the smell, the taste of his sweet breath.



"...Can I kiss you?"


Dream finally closed the distance.

The taste of Dream's lips, the feeling of their lips finally meeting... It was all more than George could ever ask for, ever want, need, in his life. It was sweet, warm, and gentle. George couldn't get enough-- he felt the insatiable need to get closer, to go in deeper.

Dream slowly broke away for breath, putting his forehead against George's.

George's heart was racing. Only one word could repeat in his mind: Dream, Dream, Dream.

A police siren sounded, the car racing into the parking lot of the pool.

They looked at each other with wide eyes.

"Shit," Dream said.

They both hurried over to the fence, quickly helping each other climb over. George could hear the police hurry in through the main entrance.

"Hurry up!"

George nodded and jumped before pulling himself over. He landed roughly but hurried to give Dream a boost.

They started running as the cops started to catch up, flashlight beams cutting through the night.

George struggled not to slip on the wet grass. He could only follow Dream and try to keep up as they raced back across the field.

Dream pulled them down the old path again, ducking into a random gap in the trees.

George stopped to catch his breath, leaning against a tree. Dream was doing the same, looking over his shoulder for signs of anyone.

"That was fucking crazy," George said breathlessly.

Dream laughed and pulled George in for another kiss. This one was rougher, more intense. George found himself clinging to Dream's clothes, pulling himself in closer.

Dream was the one to break away again. He let out a short, breathless laugh. "That was crazy," he agreed. "But it's not over yet."

He took George by the hand and pulled him back out onto the path.

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