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George came out of the bathroom in near-tears for the second time that day.

Where the fuck had it gone? It couldn't have just vanished like that.

Maybe he hadn't looked hard enough?

"George?" Dream asked as George started turning back into the bathroom, absolutely distraught.

George took one look at him before he started breaking down in tears. He couldn't keep it in anymore, it was too much.

"Oh, George--"

He sank down against the wall, curling up in a ball. Seconds later he could feel Dream's hands on his shoulders, the heat from his hands burning through his hoodie.

"What's wrong?" His voice was soft and caring.

"I can't shit," he blurted out. "I can't fucking shit."

He internally screamed after the confession. He was glad he thought fast, but the fact that he actually said anything terrified him.


George started laughing, at Dream's reaction and the ridiculousness of it all. He wiped his eyes, but the tears wouldn't stop coming.

"Well, maybe you don't have to."


"Maybe you can't poop... Because you just don't have to." Dream shrugged. "It's pretty normal. When I was little I used to go once a week."

George had never considered this. He'd been so wrapped up in worrying about it and the what-ifs that he'd never considered that maybe... it just wasn't his reality.

"Holy shit." He felt so stupid. Everything made sense now. And the fact that he'd been having stomach pain too-- it was just him being pregnant.

"You good?" Dream asked kindly.

"Mhm," George nodded and wiped his eyes.

"...Hey," he said, taking George's face in his hands. "Thank you for telling me. It's obviously been stressing you out."

George nodded and looked at Dream, into his eyes.

Dream smiled and came closer, pressing a kiss to his forehead. His lips were as hot as his hands, as the rest of his body-- the spot on his brow was left warm.

"You wanna come with me to get the food?" He'd pulled George into a sort of side-hug, one arm rubbing his back.

He leaned into Dream and nodded.

They drove to the restaurant in Dream's car. It was similar to his house, in a way-- there were a few little trinkets and air fresheners hanging from the mirror. He had a fuzzy green steering wheel cover.

They held hands inside the restaurant. George sniffled a few times, his nose still runny from crying. Dream smiled sympathetically and ran his thumb over the back of George's hand.

"Where do you wanna eat?" Dream asked when they got back in the car.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we can eat at home... Or we can go somewhere else."

"Bet," George grinned. "We're totally going there."

Dream grinned back and started driving.

uhh this chapter was kinda shit but i have something big planned for the next few 👁👁 -aiden

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