don't cry over spilt cheese

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AN: Longer chapter this time :)

The skating rink parking lot was crowded when they arrived. George struggled to find a place to park-- there weren't any lines or anything, just a huge gravel lot.

George's face burned with embarrassment as he backed out of a space for the third time, the space too small to get in easily.

"George," Dream said, and he thought he could hear frustration creeping into his voice. "Just park somewhere else. Like over there." He pointed to a spot at the edge of the lot that he had missed.

George blushed even harder. He looked down to try hiding it from Dream as he turned into the spot.

They walked in in silence up to the building, awkwardly stepping past a few smokers lingering at the door. Music played so loudly that they could hear it from the outside, and it only got louder when they opened the doors.

Dream held it open for George.

"You don't have to do that," he muttered, and Dream only hummed in response.

They had to pay before they could enter or borrow skates.

"Are you here with the Smith party?" He asked.

"We're together," Dream said, putting a hand on George's back. His cheeks burned again. He willed it to stop, wishing he could hide his face or disappear.

The man nodded. "It's seven dollars per adult."

George pulled out his wallet, but Dream gently took his wrist and put it down. "I've got this."

"You sure?" He asked. "I want to treat you."

Dream shook his head. "I've got this," he repeated, putting a twenty on the counter.

They got their tickets and took them to get their skates.

There were many benches surrounding the rink, only breaking for an arcade, a snack bar, rooms for birthday parties, and bathrooms. Purses were laying on most of them, but they found a spot and sat to put their skates on.

"Do you know how to skate?" George asked as he pulled his on, leaving his shoes under the bench.

"I'm pretty good," Dream said. "You?"

"I'm good too," he said. Truthfully, he hadn't skated since the 5th grade. He was just hoping it would be easy to pick back up on. It couldn't be that hard anyways, right?

They stood, George immediately grabbing Dream's hand for support.

"Sorry," he said, quickly letting go as he got his balance.

"It's good," Dream said. George got the feeling again that he wasn't being completely truthful, and he felt a wave of guilt and awkwardness.

They started working to get into the rink. They had to hold the railing, heading for a gap to enter.

Thankfully, the rink floor was fairly empty. There were a few children, mostly with their parents.

George stumbled as he began to skate. Before he fell forward, though, a strong arm caught him and helped him back up.

"Thanks," he said softly, face warming again.

"You sure you can skate?" Dream lightly joked.

"Yeah, I'm like, a pro," he said, trying to play it off. "Just a little rusty."

Dream nodded but kept near him as they skated. They completed a full lap together, then another. George eased up, his skill coming back to him easily.

"Smith party to the floor!" An announcement called.

It took a minute, but soon children were flooding the floor. George cringed, moving closer to Dream. Why were there so many? And why tonight?

One more song played before there was another announcement over the speakers.

"For the next song, we're gonna turn on the strobe lights! All people with Skate-Mates should please leave the floor!"

There were a few moments for everyone to leave. George doubted how well he could skate with the strobe lights but he decided to stay. He did not want to look lame in front of Dream. Besides, he could handle it. He was way more comfortable skating now.

His confidence left when the lights went on.

They were blasting some pop song from the radio, so loud George's head started to hurt. The lights were so bright, but they were only on for a second, leaving George in confusion in the dark before flashing on again. He could only see things every other second, making it much harder to skate.

He started stumbling, almost falling. It didn't help that there were still so many people on the floor, flying by him and Dream.

Dream took his hand after he stumbled for the fifth time. "Come on, George." He led him along the railing and into a gap.

"Here, we can sit this one out," he said, helping George down onto the bench.

"Thanks Dream," he said, a little embarrassed. He noticed that he hadn't let go of his hand. He opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by Dream crying out, followed by a thud at their feet.

With the strobe lights, it was hard for George to tell what was going on. But he quickly saw that there was a child on the ground by their feet. He realized that the boy had tripped in front of them.

Dream quickly let go of George's hand and crouched down, helping the kid up. "Are you okay?"

The boy nodded, embarrassed. "Sorry," he said. "I didn't mean to spill."

Dream and George looked down and saw a huge splatter of nacho cheese on the ground as well as a small pile of chips. Dream slowly looked down and saw a huge patch of cheese all over his pants.

"It's okay," Dream said after a moment.

George felt bad for the boy, seeing how embarrassed he was. He grabbed his wallet and handed the boy a bill. "Here, go get a new one. I probably tripped you with my legs out."

The boy thanked him and hurried away.

"That was nice of you," Dream said, and George shrugged.

"Here, I'm gonna go get cleaned up," Dream said, walking along the railing towards the bathroom.

George sat alone for a while. The line to the bathroom stretched to the outside, so he watched Dream awkwardly standing there.

He didn't know whether to go back skating or not, so he just waited for Dream, looking down at his hands. His face burned with embarrassment, and he was glad the strobes kept anyone from seeing.

He could only hope that the rest of the meet-up went better than this.

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