hazy evenings

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Dream was waiting for George when he finally emerged from the bathroom.

He felt much cleaner, softer. Of course, he'd finally washed his body and got a fresh change of clothes. But realizing what the problem was made his mind feel much calmer.

"You look better," Dream said from the couch with a small smile. He'd been playing on his Nintendo Switch, which he now set down to look at George.

"I feel better." He sat on the other end of the couch, instantly spreading himself out and relaxing.

"Good," he nodded. "So, I guess we can't do much with the power off."

"So what do you wanna do?" George asked. He just hoped that he'd be included. Now that he knew about his crush, he craved to be closer to Dream and spend more time with him. At the same time, he feared that he would mess it up. But he knew he'd be careful with this, gentle even. This was not something he'd want to lose.

Dream shrugged. "We can play board games again? I think I have Monopoly at least. I also have, like, 3 DS's so we can play something on that for a bit."

"Can we?" He was horrible at Monopoly, he'd take any alternative.

They went to Dream's room and he took two DS's and some games from a shelf with a few Switch games and some figurines.

Dream laid on his bed with the games, flipping his DS open and powering it on. He put a cartridge in and loaded it up before looking at George with a raised brow.

"You can come lay down, you know," he said, his voice teasing and soft. "I don't bite or anything."

"I'm not sure about that," He said back, but got onto the bed next to him.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He laughed. George rolled his eyes and laughed along.

They spent the afternoon playing together, cycling through a few different games before they got bored of all of them.

They shut the DS's off and simply laid together, enjoying each other's company. The morning sun had dimmed, leaving the room darker and soft. The rain, as always, provided even more comfort.

George took in every detail of Dream's face, trying to commit everything to memory. His eyes flitted across all of it, unable to focus on one thing at once as something else caught his eye.

"You're very pretty, George," he said softly, startling him. "Especially when you blush like that."

George groaned and put his hands over his face, trying to hide the burning redness as well as his growing smile.

A warm hand took George's wrist and gently pulled it away. His smile fell in surprise and curiosity.

Dream put his hand on his cheek, and George was almost unable to feel it through the warmth there. He had to fight the need to close his eyes, wanting to watch Dream's face. His heart began to race as both of them opened their mouths to say something...

George's stomach loudly groaned. His jaw dropped a little in shock, and Dream laughed softly, pulling his hand back.

"You want something to eat?" Dream asked. "Or do you still feel sick?"

"I'm fine," he said, squeezing his eyes shut as his stomach started to cramp.

He felt Dream's hand on his forehead again. "You sure?" His voice was soft and had some other quality to it that George had never heard. "You're heating up."

"I'm fine," George repeated in protest.

"No, I'm gonna get you something to eat," he said, voice still more soft and gentle. His hand moved up, into George's hair, and ruffled it a small bit. "I'll be back."

George laid back and watched the room, eyes sweeping over his dark surroundings. His fear started growing, up from somewhere deep in his stomach. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up as he looked suspiciously towards the dark closet-- it was so black and deep that it could be hiding anything. Other shadows, tall and scary, casted in menacing shapes around the room, stretching towards him.

He jumped as the power suddenly came back on, appliances in the kitchen coming to life. Dream's display lit up after a moment, casting a colorful glow over the room.

He leaned over in bed and plugged his phone in with one of Dream's chargers that was already in the wall. Just turning on his side made him feel like his stomach was being torn apart on the inside.

"What the hell?" He groaned, turning back over. He tried not to move, but more cramps came, the pain coming in waves.

He'd never been in this much pain before. He had a sneaking suspicion why he was, but he had no way to fix it for now. All he could do was grit his teeth and wait it out.

Thankfully, Dream returned soon with a steaming bowl of soup. He set it on the nightstand next to George.

"I really think you should try to use the bathroom," Dream said as he watched George wince in pain just trying to sit up.

"Tomorrow," he said firmly. He doubted he'd be able to even walk in this state.

Dream hesitated, looking a bit nervous before nodding and climbing back into bed.

With the power on, they were able to watch a show together as George ate his soup.

The warm food and the time eventually made George feel more and more tired. Soon he was fighting yawns as he tried to focus on the show.

"I'm gonna go sleep on the couch," Dream said after George yawned for the millionth time.

"Can you stay?" He blurted. He almost regretted it, but he was so sick and the idea of feeling this way and being alone in the dark room was unbearable.

Dream, who was already halfway out of bed, paused before nodding and getting back under the covers.

He turned the TV off, casting them back into darkness.

"Night, George," he said as always. "Hope you feel better in the morning."

"Goodnight Dream."

He turned over (with another wince of pain) and tried to sleep.

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