together in the storm

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"So where did you wanna go to eat?" George asked when they reached the car. They hadn't stayed for too long after, skating only for a few more songs and checking out the arcade before they left.

Dream fiddled with a small toy he'd gotten with his tickets-- a small coil of plastic that could stretch and bend. "Anything's fine." He paused to think, staring straight out the windshield. "Maybe nothing that fancy though."

"Fast food?" George offered. Part of him wanted to take Dream out to eat somewhere they could sit down, but he knew that his friend wouldn't want to do that with cheese all over his pants.

"Sounds good," he said.

George nodded and tried to come up with something as he pulled out of the lot. He eventually ended up grabbing food from the first place he saw, then they headed to Dream's place.

"That doesn't look good," Dream said as they got out of the car.

George looked up to see dark, foreboding clouds, not too far away. The air had also become almost thicker, the summer humidity hot, wet, and sticky.

He hurried to get inside. Dream quickly changed, then they settled down on the living room floor with a movie on.

"So that was... something," George said, shaking his head. He still felt bad about the cheese incident. Even though it wasn't totally his fault, it never would have happened if he was actually able to skate.

Dream shrugged. "I had fun." He looked up to George and gave him a genuine smile. He felt the worry melt away just like that, easing up and letting himself forget it.

"We'll have to hang out more," George said. "You can pick next time, though."

"It's a date."

George's cheeks burned. "Date?" He asked, cursing himself for being so flustered.

Dream was about to respond, but they were interrupted by a loud boom of thunder overhead. George jumped, and Dream laughed at him a little.

"Just a summer storm. I'm sure it'll pass eventually," he assured, but worry flashed across his face as he looked towards the window. The clouds were getting closer, still thick and dark.

George nodded and took a deep breath, reminding himself to calm down. He still worried about the storm in the back of his mind, though-- he wanted to make sure he could safely make it home tonight.

"It'll pass," Dream said softly, noticing how nervous he still was.

"Yeah," George agreed, turning back to the movie.

It was a Marvel movie, George didn't completely understand it as he hadn't watched that many. But it was entertaining and exciting enough to distract him. He let himself enjoy the mindless action and the greasy fast food. The rain started near the end of the movie, but it only made everything more relaxing as it pounded against the windows and roof.

That's when the lights started to flicker. Both looked up as it went one, two, three more times before finally shutting off.

The TV followed, along with all the other appliances. The steady hum of the electronics silenced. It was just Dream and George in the dark.

He resisted the urge to quickly reach out into the dark, to grab Dream, to make sure he was still there. The rain that had once been comforting now seemed menacing, a constant and loud reminder. He shuddered, wrapping his arms around himself.

Dream turned his phone flashlight on, illuminating everything for a small distance. However small it was, he was glad to be able to see anything more than the pale blue square of the window behind him.

"I have some stuff for when this happens," Dream said, standing. "I'm gonna go grab it."

"Can I come?" George asked, nervously looking up to him.

" 'Course." He stuck his hand out.

George took it, letting his clammy hand be enveloped by Dream's warmer, bigger one.

"Jesus, you're cold," Dream laughed.

"You're just freakishly hot."

"Really?" Dream said, more of a teasing statement than a question.

George's face burned, feeling himself become flustered again. "No," he said, a weak attempt at a comeback.

Dream just laughed and led him out of the living room, deeper into the dark house.

Thankfully, the supplies were in the hall closet, making their mission quick.

"Careful," Dream warned as they returned, his hands full with the box. "Don't trip or anything."

George nodded, even though he couldn't see it.

Dream lit a few candles around the living room. After a few minutes, the room was warmly, if dimly, lit by the flickering flames. It became cozy again, everything fuzzy and hard to make out.

"That's better," Dream said softly, obviously easing into the comfortable mood as well.

George hummed in agreement and settled into the couch. He looked out the window to see that the storm was still raging. If anything, it had gotten worse, with the thunder and lightning coming faster and closer.

Dream checked his phone, the blue light illuminating his pale face. His eyes narrowed briefly. "There's a flood warning for our area." He looked up, to George. "I don't think it's safe for you to go home."

"Well, where am I gonna go?" He asked, worry creeping to him.

"Here, obviously," he said. "I can get you set up on the couch. Or you can sleep in my room."

"Couch is fine," George quickly said.

Dream laughed again, only making George blush harder. "You know I'd be sleeping on the couch if you went in my room, right?"

"I want the couch," George confirmed shaking his head.

"Alright," Dream said, that teasing lilt still in his voice.

There wasn't much else to do with the power off. Besides, it was already getting late. So, Dream got an extra pillow and blanket nearly right away.

"Do you need anything?" Dream asked, standing over him as he laid on the couch. "Water, a change of clothes...?"

George hesitated. These clothes were kind of dirty... "Could I?"

Dream nodded and got him a set of pajamas. George quickly changed in the bathroom by the light of his phone's flashlight. Dream was taller than him, just enough that the clothes hung off of his frame. He still found comfort in it, thankful they were loose rather than too snug.

"Looking good," Dream smirked as he came out of the bathroom.

"Whatever," George said, glad for the darkness of the hallway.

"'Night, George," he said, like they had on call just a few days ago. It felt like forever, now. The teasing had left, his voice more soft and genuine.

"Goodnight, Dream."

They both lingered for a moment more, though George wasn't entirely sure why. Eventually, Dream awkwardly patted his arm and vanished into his room, leaving the door cracked.

George was left standing in the hallway for another long moment. The spot on his arm felt warm.

AN: not really edited so sorry if this was weird? anyways this one was mostly filler, the stuff that everyone came for is coming soon 😋 -aidan

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