don't be such a wet blanket

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Warning: NSFW chapter, the next chapter isn't NSFW

George slept hazily and fitfully. It continued to storm for most of the night, startling him awake with a particularly loud bout of thunder or a bright flash of lightning. Several times, he woke up with the pillow or blanket on the floor, which he had to retrieve.

His dreams were just as confusing and intense. They were in vibrant colors and were filled with abstract shapes and flashes of light. Dream was the only other person there, always teasing and high out of reach. His words and looks felt like they were made of fire, the heat seeping through George's skin and making him feel like he was burning alive from the inside out.

He eventually got tired of it and decided to stay awake for a bit. Nobody else seemed to be awake, the house silent save for the storm raging outside.

He went to the bathroom and splashed his face with cold water. It shocked him awake and almost stung. He gasped quietly over the sink, then wiped his face clean.

When he came back out, he could see blue light coming from Dream's room. He hesitated, standing by cracked door. He didn't want to intrude or bother him.

"George?" Dream called softly.

He stepped into the door. He was sitting at his chair, the light of the idle monitor casting over the room. He was still in his sweatpants, as well as a loose shirt. George had to pull his eyes away from his exposed collarbones.

"I didn't think you'd still be up."

George shrugged, still lingering by the door. It felt strange to be here, in his bedroom. He felt like he wasn't allowed to be here, though he knew that Dream would laugh at him if he told him that.

"I had trouble sleeping."

Worry flickered over Dream's face for a second, just as thunder sounded again. George jumped at the sudden boom.

"If you're scared of the storm, you can hang out in here, you know?"

"You sure?"

Dream visibly softened, the corners of his mouth pulling down. It was an obvious contrast from the man George had hung out with earlier, teasing and laughing all evening.

"Of course, George. It's not like you're a bother to me or anything."

George came closer to him, sitting on a second chair by his side.

Just being around Dream made him calm down. His nightmares from earlier seemed so distant from now, the bright colors and shapes cartoonish rather than strange and frightening.

They played Minecraft for the next few hours. Or, more accurately, Dream played while George watched. They chatted mindlessly at first, worrying about the storm, then talking about the SMP, then about whatever came to mind.

"I'm glad we were able to meet up,"

"Yeah." said George yawning, he scooted closer to dream to get a better look at the time, " It's 6 am already?" George panicked, he promised his twitch audience he would stream in at 8 am.

"Hey Dream" whispered George "do you think I could try to catch up on some sleep, I wanted to stream bright and early."

"Yeah, sure I don't mind you can sleep in my bed, to be honest I had a few energy drinks earlier, I'll probably be up all night." Dream said getting comfortable in his chair getting ready for a long gaming match

George walked over to dream's bed, it was messy with the fitted sheet popped off the side of the bed. The blankets were in disarray, and empty cans of Mtn Dew on his nightstand. The nightstand looked sticky from all the spilt soda on it. George didn't really care, he was only going to be sleeping in the bed for an hour or two, nothing too bad.

He sat down on the mattress it had an indent of where dream would usually sleep with a popped spring under the indent. He lined himself up with the impression on the mattress, he could feel the spring poking at his side.

He rolled over, now facing dream who was sitting across the room, he could see dream typing on discord. George pulled at a random blanket at the end of the bed. It got caught on something, he sat up to see if maybe the blanket itself was stuck on yet another popped spring.

The room was basically pitch black , except dreams computer lighting up a small portion of the room. He tried to make out the shape of the item, racking his brain on what the blanket snagging object was. He leaned over the side of the bed to take a peek at what it was. He reached his hand cautiously towards the object, finally making contact with it.


George pulled his hand away, it could be a number of things, but nothing on a bed should be wet and squishy. He didn't want to embarrass Dream or make him think that George found him gross, "I'll just ask to go use the bathroom to wash whatever I touched off my hands. I'll just say I had one too many water bottles earlier." George thought to himself.

He scootched out of Dreams bed, making his way down to the hall to the bathroom, He just guessed that Dream didn't notice or didn't care. George finished washing his hands so he could try to forget the fiasco and just go to sleep. He opened the door to dream's room back up, the hall light slightly illuminating the room, he looked at the bed noticing what the squishy object was, it was a sock.

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