a space apart

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Dream's car stopped twenty minutes later in a small gravel parking lot. It was too dark for George to see properly, but he could see a huge playground through some trees.

"Here we are," Dream grinned, grabbing the bag of Chinese and the bag from the gas station.

George got out of the car, standing at the top of the hill. The park was huge, with several pavilions and benches. Past a field was a bridge over a stream, for a train to come through.

"Wow," he said quietly. "What is this place?"

Dream shrugged. "I used to hang out here a lot in high school. It's actually pretty cool at night."

George nodded and just looked around while Dream led him by the hand into the park.

"We're not going on the playground?" He asked as Dream led him right past the entrance.

He shook his head. "I've got somewhere cooler."

They walked across the field over to the bridge. There was a pillar for support underneath, half made of concrete and the upper half using several steal beams to hold the bridge up.

Dream pushed himself up onto the concrete and set the bags down. "Here-- come on up. There's plenty of room."

George let Dream help to pull him up. He settled down across from him, careful not to fall. The distance wasn't too bad, but there was a rocky bank below.

The underside of the bridge was littered with graffiti. There were dozens of different colors and styles, different messages and words and meanings.

But even though the graffiti made it clear that dozens of people had been here... He could only see it as a place for just him and Dream.

They started eating, the food still warm enough to enjoy. George watched the water go by below, enjoyed the calmness of everything as well as Dream's presence by his side.

"This was my favorite place," Dream said suddenly. "Back when I was a teen. It feels so... apart, from the rest of the world."

George nodded. "It feels like it's just us."

Dream smiled and leaned back closer to the beam. "...I'm really glad you stayed, George. This past week... it's been the best of my life."

He looked down at his fried rice, thankful that the dimness hid his flushed face. "I-- yeah. It's been mine too. I really loved this... Maybe we can do something like this again."

"Definitely. And with no storm, either, so I can take you out places."

"It's a date," George said. The words had another meaning to them now, after everything that had happened.

"It's a date," Dream repeated.

They finished eating pretty quickly. Dream lifted the bag with an excited grin.

"I actually planned ahead of time for this," he laughed, taking out two huge cups filled with ice. He spilled the other contents of the bag onto the space between them. It was basically just a huge pile of candy and their Mountain Dews.

"This is a little fancier than I'm used to," Dream said. "But I wanted to make it special for you."

"This is definitely perfect," George said, looking over everything. He didn't really know where to start, there was so much.

He ended up taking Dream's lead, pouring the drink into the cup then adding random candies on top. He worried a little about the sugar-- shouldn't he be careful since he was pregnant? -- before shrugging it off. He'd heard of crazy cravings and stuff that were definitely worse than one drink.

He took a sip before recoiling at the taste-- he forgot that he'd put a thick layer of sour stuff on the top. But it was really sweet besides that, so much that it was almost disgusting.

"Shit," Dream quietly laughed after a sip. "That's really--"

"I feel like I'm drinking straight sugar," George laughed with him. "I'm probably not sleeping for a week."

"Good. I have plans that'll probably take all night."

George's stomach fluttered again with that mix of anxiety and excitement.

"There's so much I want to show you." Dream said, excitement filling his eyes. It was honestly adorable.

"We'll just have to do all of it."

"Perfect plan. But first--"

Dream jumped down from the concrete, landing on the gravel. "Come on, I have something special to show you."

George grinned and climbed down after him. This was about to be a night he'd never forget.

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