one last kiss

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Dream and George wandered back along the path, back towards the train tracks. The night had quieted-- it was just them, hands loosely held together.

"So, where to next?" George asked with a small smile. He was excited to see whatever Dream had planned. He'd been surprisingly full of secrets and experience that he'd never have imagined. The small American town was completely unfamiliar to George, but Dream knew all the ins and outs.

"One last place," Dream said. He fished his phone from his pocket to check the time. It was getting so late that the time was beginning to creep into the early morning. The summer sun had begun to rise at the far end of the sky, bright yellows and oranges pushing against the dark sky.

They were in no rush-- the morning was quiet and young and theirs. They walked in comfortable silence, just each other's presence was enough.

They stopped at the bridge that they'd been under before. George could see the sun coming up over town, painting everything in soft, warm tones. The sunlight reflected off the river, making the water look golden and light. The park was in a similar state, playground bathed in the light and the grass shining with morning dew.

"George," Dream said quietly. George turned to see that he was still looking outwards, towards the sunrise. He was gorgeous, his face illuminated, his hair glowing in the light.

"I wanted to ask you," he continued. "If you'd want to be my boyfriend."

George stood in disbelief, heart pounding.

Dream turned to him, when he didn't respond, brows knitted. "Oh. I'm sorry. Uh, I--"

"Yes," George said quickly. He had to look away to hide his face, his blush and teary eyes. "I-- I'd love to be your boyfriend."

Dream let out a small, wet laugh. He grabbed George and held him tight.

They kissed again as the sun came up.

thank you guys sm for 1k reads!!! you guys are insane <333

also the next chapter will probably be the last for this book 😔 don't worry though because ive got a sequel planned and another book that'll involve dnf 😁 so stay tuned for those

-aiden <33

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