honey-bathed mornings

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George stretched as he woke up, groaning. He started to push himself up, but felt someone pulling on his sleeve. He sighed and laid back down, letting Dream keep him there.

"Five more minutes," Dream said, his voice still deep and thick from sleep. "Wanna see you."

George smiled and gently pressed his lips to Dream's forehead. He felt Dream press a quick kiss to his cheek.

He moved closer to Dream, letting him wrap his arms around his body. Dream put his head over George's.

"I love you," Dream mumbled.

"I love you too," George said. He quietly sighed with content. He felt safe here, finally complete. The storm and trouble was over, now he was ready to start the next part of his life, in the light.

They laid together for some time. Late-morning sunlight came through the window and curtains, bathing them and their bedroom in honey-colored warmth.

The bedroom was more crowded now, but to George, it was only more cozy. After he'd moved in a few weeks ago, Dream had insisted he put his things all over the house ("This is your house too, now. It always has been."). So George's hoodies were in the closet and draped over chairs, the few figurines he had went right next to Dream's, and his one stuffed animal had a prime spot on the bed.

George smiled at the warm feeling that came over him as he thought about it. He looked up and kissed Dream again. His boyfriend only smiled and kissed him back before pulling him in closer.

Eventually they got up together to start breakfast. George made his famous pancakes, and Dream made his french toast. They quietly played music, swaying and dancing around the kitchen together as they cooked. Both of them ended up covered in flour, but neither of them cared.

After eating, they went to the couch and laid together like always. It was a lazy Sunday morning-- they had nothing to do and nowhere to be besides to lay here together, basking in each other's presence.

This is all I could ever ask for, George thought as Dream started absentmindedly carding his hands through his brunet hair.

He put a hand over his rounding stomach and smiled. In eight months, the baby would be here. Their baby. They already had almost a fairytale romance, everything about it making George's heart flutter with warmth. Then when their baby was here, they'd be able to start a family and settle down and--

George grinned with excitement.

"Whatcha so happy about?" Dream asked, smiling fondly.

"It's nothing," George said, shaking his head, though the smile stuck on his face.

Anxiety bubbled in his chest. He hadn't told Dream about the baby yet, he was planning to wait just a little longer. He was going to make it special, and beautiful. He wanted to take Dream on an adventure, like he had that one night, and share the big surprise.

"If you say so," Dream said, ruffling his hair one last time before opening Twitter.

George leaned back and took a sip out of a fresh Mountain Dew. Dream looked up from his phone and grinned mischievously.

"Can I have a sip? It's kinda hot in here."

George rolled his eyes at the inside joke (that they quoted way too much for his sanity). But his heart still warmed at the memory of how shy, how nervous he'd been just a month ago.

Dream took a few sips and passed it back.

George laid against him, half-heartedly watching Dream scroll through his timeline.

He finally closed his eyes and settled in closer. This was perfect, it all was. One perfect day out of many-- every last moment with Dream made George feel so damn lucky.

He put his hand over his middle and smiled. One perfect day, and one day closer to starting his family with Dream.

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