as the storm rages on

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AN: bit of a softer chapter :) literally barely edited like usual but i hope you guys like it (this chapter is not NSFW)

George woke to Dream gently shaking him awake. He started groaning and pushing him away because of course he would, yesterday was busy and he was still exhausted.

Dream just sighed back, giving him a final hard shake before taking his hands back. "It's almost noon, I thought you'd want to get up."

A jolt of panic went through him as he quickly sat up in bed. He was supposed to be live four hours ago.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" His words came out sharper than he'd meant them to. Dream didn't seem to care, but he still felt a pang of regret deep in his stomach.

"You needed the rest," he said softly. Between his voice and the sound of the rain, still harshly coming down on the window and the roof, it was easy to let the anxiety fade and let himself fall into the comfort of the moment.

"I guess I did," George agreed, just as soft. "I... feel a lot better." It definitely was more comfy here, much better than the couch. He hadn't even had any nightmares here, sleeping soundly through the night.

"I'm glad," Dream grinned. "So, what do you wanna do about breakfast?"

He shrugged as he got out of bed, stretching and gazing out the window. The sky was still considerably dark, meaning there was only more rain to come. This wasn't going to end anytime soon. Perhaps he'd be here forever-- in this calmness, next to Dream. He smiled softly as he realized he wouldn't quite mind it, to forget streaming and the world to spend his life in this moment.

"George," he murmured to catch his attention. "How's french toast? That's pretty easy. Or some pancakes?"

"French toast is good," he agreed. "I can make eggs too? I'm like the Gordon Ramsay of making eggs, if I do say so myself."

Dream laughed and nodded.

They spent a short moment tidying up the room, basically straightening the bed out. George wondered where the sock had gone for a moment, because he couldn't see it as they put the fitted sheet back on. He shook his head to clear it, wishing he could forget it forever. Still, he found himself keeping a careful eye on the floor as he followed Dream to the kitchen.

The kitchen was a little small, but it made up for it with how cozy it was. There were various decorations and trinkets all over-- lined up on the back of the stove, on the counter, beside the coffee pot. Everything looked a little worn with age and use, from rounded cabinet counters to stains on the stovetop.

"Here-- if you wanna grab the pans, I can get our ingredients," Dream said, gesturing towards a lower cabinet.

"You like anything in your eggs?" He asked as George grabbed two frying pans.

"Salt and a little pepper." He found both easy on the back of the oven, next to a figurine of a video game character. "You?"

"Just some cheese," he said, setting it on the counter along with some milk and the eggs.

George nodded, trying to commit it to memory. He would make Dream the best omelet he'd ever had.

They got to cooking after they'd gotten everything set. There wasn't much room for both of them, so they were huddled close around the stove. George didn't mind it much, even finding himself getting distracted when their legs or hips touched or when their hands happened to graze each other's.

"George, your eggs are really frying."

He jumped, immediately blushing. He looked down at the pan to see the eggs beginning to brown at the bottom.

"I like them like that," he said quickly, cooking the other side of the pieces a little extra before shaking them onto a plate.

Dream only hummed in response, smirking as he finished the mixture for the toast.

The finished product was really something to see. George really had done a good job-- the eggs looked great. And Dream had outdone himself, the french toast dusted with powdered sugar and even a few berries on top.

They ate at the table, enjoying their meal together. Something about it made George feel so soft, to be sitting at someone's kitchen table and share a meal they'd made together. The realization made him ache somewhere deep in his chest, somewhere unfamiliar and strange. He shook his head and took another bite, letting the sweetness of the sugar distract him.

The Alexa on Dream's counter went off as they started to clean up. The storm, which was only expected to last a day or two, had been upgraded to a tropical storm. One that was supposed to last a week, at that.

The calmness dropped away. George's stomach sank. What was he supposed to do? Obviously he couldn't stay and intrude on Dream forever, he had a personal life too. But how was he going to get home?

"Hey," Dream said softly, obviously noticing his distress. He took his hand and gently squeezed.

The warmth of the sudden touch startled him back to the present. He looked up, immediately softening again once they met eyes.

"You can stay here as long as you need, George. I mean, you can try to get home while it's not too bad. But you'll always have a place here if you need it."

He nodded, feeling the anxiety start to melt again. "You sure?"

Dream nodded and wrapped an arm around him in an awkward sort of half-hug. George grinned a little at that and wrapped both of his arms around him.

There was a tense moment before Dream put his other arm around George and patted his back with a hand.

"Thank you," George said as he pulled away. "You're the best. You're literally the best friend I could ever have."

"You too," Dream grinned, looking away again to pick up the dirty pan he'd set down. "...I really meant what I said, you know. You're always welcome here."

George nodded and fully grinned."Thank you."

The time on the oven caught his eye as he put the salt and pepper back. He suddenly remembered then, that he was supposed to stream that morning.

"I really should tell everyone about rescheduling the stream," he said. "I totally forgot I was supposed to do that."

"Don't worry, the storm is pretty big news right now so I think they'll understand," Dream replied, putting their things away. "We can hop on the SMP later if you're up to it?"

"I'd like that," he smiled at the thought, excitement burning in his chest.

He stole a glance at Dream from across the kitchen and the fire burned even brighter. He really couldn't ask to be locked in with anyone else.


hey guys :] thanks for reading, you guys are so great! i think we're at like 200 (?) reads, thank you so much!!

alsoo i put up a oneshot book if you guys would be interested in more short-form content or anything dsmp that doesn't revolve around dnf. requests are open rn so feel free to send some my way >:)  -aiden

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