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They climbed up the hillside, up onto the bridge. The tracks led into town on one side, and cut through some trees on the other. Across the tracks, though, was a smaller trail through the forest.

"Which way do you wanna go?" Dream asked, turning to look at George.

"Well, where do they go?"

He shrugged. "You have to just pick."

George took a long sip of the drink. He was getting used to the sweetness by now, which was slightly concerning considering how repulsed he was by it just a second ago.

"This way." He pointed ahead of them, into the trees.

"Well, lead the way."

George took Dream's hand and walked them down the path.

The fact that it was night made it a little scary. George couldn't really see anything, but he could hear them, something moving around in the bushes and trees.

"This is fucked."

Dream cackled, causing a few birds to scatter. "I've been here a million times before. Scariest thing I've seen is a garden snake."

He rolled his eyes and moved closer to Dream to avoid a patch of mud. He squeezed his hand and pulled him closer.

The forest was actually rather peaceful. The scenery was dark, but beautiful. The leaves high above created a canopy, and the trees were so thick George could believe that they were the only people here for miles. It really did feel like it was just him and Dream.

They walked in silence. The river glittered quietly on one side, thick trees on another. Occasionally the trees broke, to reveal small ponds, deep hills, even a small patch of swamp.

The path eventually came out on a gravel path. It went along a high fence, George could see a silent factory inside. Maybe abandoned. The thought of the great, dark building made him shudder.

"Not much longer," Dream hummed. "This path, it's not very long. Pretty though."

George hummed in agreement. "So, what are these big plans you have?"

"You're just gonna have to see." Dream teased. "It's gonna be the night of your life."

"Better not be anything, like, illegal."

"No promises."

George groaned, not really meaning it. His mind was racing with excitement. "You're kidding."

"You're gonna have to wait," he said, even though he pulled George along even faster.

They cut through someone's yard and came out on a random street. It was quieter here-- it wasn't quite the suburbs, just a smaller part of town.

George quickly got his bearings and realized that the path they'd taken was a huge circle, they were near the parking lot all over again. Maybe a 10 minute walk.

But Dream led them through a field in front of them.

"So what's this place?"

"Stadium," Dream pointed to a huge building at one end of the field, then to a fence that they were headed towards. "And the pool."

George just nodded and let Dream lead the way. He wondered why they were headed this way. This couldn't be related to the crime thing, right? Or was that a joke?

Dream stopped at the fence and crouched down, cupping his hands together. When George only stood with a questioning look, he raised an eyebrow.

"I'm giving you a boost."

George looked from his hands to the fence to the public pool inside. "No-"

"Hurry up. We've got lots of stuff to do."

George held his breath and stepped onto Dream's hands. He got the promised boost and grabbed at the fence, trying to pull himself up and over. The spikes on top clawed at his stomach. Shit.

Dream gave him a last push and he scrambled over.

"Now me," Dream said, standing up.

George reached through the fence and helped him up. Dream climbed over much more gracefully-- he'd probably done this a million times.

"Well, here it is," Dream said, gesturing around the property.

George looked over it. There was a huge patch of plain grass, sheltered by a sort of snack stand. Beyond, there were two huge, deep pools, and a squat brick building.

"You brought me out here to break into a pool?" George raised a brow, standing near the edge of one of the pools. It had to be twelve feet deep... and there was no water, meaning a long fall down to concrete. He took several steps back.

"You're making it sound lamer than it is," Dream said, joining his side. His voice hushed as he continued, "I've always wanted to take someone here."

"Why's that?"

George looked over to Dream, his heart fluttering. His smile was soft, sincere. He softened, feeling his own lips pull into a smile.

"Well, it's pretty romantic, isn't it?" Dream gestured around the grass. "With the moon and everything..."

He wouldn't have agreed if Dream wasn't there. This place would have been almost scary... But seeing how excited and soft Dream was, seeing him bathed in the moonlight...

George's feelings crashed into him. Yes, he was definitely in love with this man. There was no avoiding it. Not now, not after this.

"I think it's gorgeous," he said. "This is the most romantic place I've ever been."

Dream smiled his crooked smile again.

"George..." He looked down and blushed. "I wanted to know if you would dance with me."

George smiled and took his hand. "Always."

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