the waiting

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Thursday came fast.

George woke up early and carefully got ready. He showered thoroughly and shaved, then picked out a nice outfit. He checked his bank account several times to ensure he could cover everything, then checked several more times that he would still be able to give Dream the surprise that he had planned.

The drive was long. Classic Florida traffic. It only got worse as he got closer to Orlando, where he'd be picking up Dream.

He listened to music as he sat in a long line of cars, some 2010's playlist he found on Spotify. He sighed and leaned back into the seat, tapping his fingers on the wheel to the tune of a LMFAO song.

His heartbeat raced with anxiety. He could only hope that Dream liked the surprise he had planned.

He eventually reached his house. Dream was waiting outside. George pulled up to the curb before realizing his music was still playing. He panicked as Dream walked up to the car, fumbling with the phone to try to find something cool and impressive to put on.

Dream opened the door just as Pussycat doll started playing.

George's face burned.

Dream jumped in the Cadillac, in the passengers seat next to George. "Could you maybe turn it down just a bit?" Dream said over the blaring music

"Oh, sorry" George said, his face turning more red.

"What do you have planned for us today" Dream asked, " Are we going to pick up the rest of the gang, or is this just us?"

George thought for a bit fumbling over his words, and finally said, " This was going to be a just us kind of thing, but it doesn't have to be"

"Oh, it's okay I just want, this to be us. I just want some quality time with my best friend" Dream said staring out the window of the car, watching the scenery, " so what do you have planned?"

"I was going to take us to a skating rink, and then maybe a restaurant, and then maybe head back to my place" George trailed off as he was talking trying to even remember what the hell he had planned beforehand, " Does that all sound good with you?"

"Yeah, it all sounds great." Said Dream distracted by the small town they were driving in

George felt relief as he was planning for it to be way worse of a situation. Suddenly Dream's voice broke the silence in the car. "Maybe, we could go to my place after instead of yours, I want to stream later. I'm sure Patches will be happy to see you"

"Yeah sure, I don't mind streaming from your place. I'm tired of doing SMP stuff, and Jack box. I'd rather do something else ;)"

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