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You woke up slowly with your vision blurry in a room with music. You rubbed your head as the sound of big band music rung through your head. Fear and anxiety ran through and out of you as you didn't know where you are, or in this case, who you are. You slowly got up, and looked down at your outfit. You were wearing a long white skinny dress, where the skirt flew out when you spun, and the best part, pockets. Many people in a similar dress as yours, danced to the music with a loved one in arms. You realized how alone you were, you need to find someone, quick.

You felt like a lost child in a grocery store, maybe you were. You resorted to rules you haven't followed since you were a kid, "Find an adult you trust or someone you know." You walked around the room trying desperately to find someone but everyone turned you away or didn't look trust worthy. It's okay, just find someone you know, there has to be someone. But, alas, there was no one. You felt all eyes on you as you stood there, slowly going into a panic.

But then, you looked in front of you to find 20 steps away, a man, a man you know. Finally. You didn't care if you hated him or loved him, his soft gaze on you felt so safe, could he keep you safe? You walked towards the man and with every step you remember who you were and who he is.

He is your king, and you are his queen. Nothing could keep you together, you could steal time, just for one day. Heroes, is what you are, forever and ever...

Jareth's POV

This is the moment I've been waiting for, and now it's finally here. I've got Y/N just where I want her. Not trying to find her daughter, in love with me, and we can dance just like we used too. Everything is in place, and just in time. It was like time stopped when Y/N saw me standing before her.

Nothing else mattered in the universe, except for her. She looks so beautiful in a white dress. Yes I know her mother wore a white dress, sue me. I held out my hand for her to take.

"You look absolutely wonderful Y/N."

She blushed at my comment, and responded with,

"Why thank you my King. You look dashing yourself."

I couldn't help but smile at her.

"Thank you my Queen. Shall we dance?"

She nodded her head yes. We start swaying to the music. Just like old times, but better.

As the music continues to play, thoughts subside in my head. I then asked Y/N,

"Do you remember the first time we danced, love?"

I looked deep into her eyes, and only one thought popped into my head. I love her more than anything in my kingdom. Y/N then responded with a nod and said,

"Yes I remember my darling. We danced with the stars."

She then touched the side of my face with the back of her hand. I'd forgotten how soft her hands are. I don't want this to ever end. Even though Y/N doesn't know that none of this is real, it is the most magical moment between us. I can feel a tear run down my face from pure happiness.

More thoughts start to run through my head. Except they aren't about Y/N, they're about Sarah. The one who I thought I truly loved. That is until I met her daughter. Sarah, where did I go wrong?

As the world falls down

Sarah wore a white dress, similar to what Y/N is wearing. Sarah eventually figured out this was all a ruse when she saw a clock. I looked around the room to make sure I've made no mistakes or any signs that will make Y/N realize that she's in a trance. Y/N then asked me what was wrong.

"Nothing my Queen. Everything is perfect."

She's on to me. Or maybe it's in my head. Either way, I need to relax before Y/N realizes that I'm not calm. I feel Y/N's head nuzzle into the side of my neck. I wish this moment could last forever.

But it can't. None of this is real. I'm tricking Y/N, just like I did with Sarah. That's why Sarah didn't stay with me. Because I was so cruel.

Y/N isn't going to want to stay if I keep playing games with her. I've got to snap her out of this trance, and there is only one thing that can do that. I can't believe I'm about to do this.

"Y/N, I love you."

"I love you too, Jareth."

I then snapped my fingers, and the band changed into a string quartet. I snapped my fingers again, and the song that Y/N once heard, started playing. The familiar tune buzzed through my head, the tune that I banned from my castle because of how much I loved Sarah. The song made me yell at Y/N when she asked. I winched at the intrusive memory, how I regret it. I looked at Y/N with sad eyes.

"My love, what is the matter?"

"Y/N, you have to wake up."

As soon as I said the words, "wake up", I could see Y/N's eyes glaze over and she was out of the trance. She looked down at her dress, looked all around her, then finally looked at me with a mix of confusion and fear in her eyes.

"That song, I know it. Why do I know it?"

"It's the song I sang to your mother when I put her in a trance. I'm surprised you don't remember what happened the last time you heard this song."

Then it hit her, she remembered me getting upset with her when she hummed this song. By the look on her face I knew she remembered me yelling at her. There were tears in her eyes, she looked hurt. I yelled at the women I love because I couldn't handle talking about the past. The past was nothing but the past, and I risked everything with Y/N because I was stuck in the past.

Slowly, her gaze came back to me "You mean, you put me in a trance. Just so you could trick me. Just like you did with my mother?"

"Y/N, I can explain. I wanted to look into your eyes without seeing fear and hatred. I wanted to dance with you, like we did all those years ago when you loved me. I wanted to tell you that I loved you, and for you to tell me the same. I realize now that's not how I'm gonna get you to say those words. But Y/N, I love you more than I care about my title. The minute I realized that, I knew I had to stop this trick if I wanted for you to love me again. And for that, I'm truly sorry."


Here it comes.

"I can't believe you! This is exactly what I was talking about before. This thing you think is still between us, isn't love. It's an obsession. Ugh, I really can't believe you just tricked me like that. I can't believe that you would stoop so low just to get me to fall in love with you. I mean, who does that? Using a trick that you used on my mother? You even put me in a white dress like her? I'm getting out of here, and I'm saving my daughter."

Yeah, I deserved that. But I wouldn't call my love an obsession. Humans, they just don't understand.

"No, wait. Y/N, don't."

I was too late, she had already picked up the chair to smash the mirror in. Yup, I deserved that too.

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