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It was now time to go to bed. You told your mom what happened to your book and felt very sorry. She said she will buy you a new one but nothing can replace what your father gave to you. You changed into a black tank top and grey shots. Just as you were getting into bed you saw the owl fly by your window. The owl perched by your window sill. You smirked.

You got closer to the window, the owl didn't fly away. You opened your window just a little so you could see the bird better and so the bird doesn't fly in, the owl didn't fly away. You smiled just a little. "You must be such a kind bird. Sometimes, I just want to be a bird. I want to fly away. Ya know?" The owl made a noise as if he was understanding you. You gave a small laugh as tears build up in your eyes. The owl made more noises as if it didn't like seeing you cry. "You are a kind bird. Please don't worry about me, I just had a rough day." The owl turned its head sideways. "You wanna know? Well, people at school ripped my book. I know that sounds stupid but the book was really special to me. My dad gave it to me...anyways. I should sleep. Goodnight." The owl made another sound as if it was saying goodnight then it flew away.

You got into bed and pulled the covers over, still a little teary. You rolled over on your side and found yourself saying out loud "I wish the goblin king would take me away..." You went out like a light after that.

"Y/N..." Still, very very sleepy, you felt someone sitting on your bed. You felt someone move your hair away from your face. And a man saying very softly "Y/N..." You rolled over so your back is on the bed. You felt someone caress your cheek. You smirked, liking the way it felt. You felt someone's body moving closer to yours. The man's voice now a little louder "Y/N..." You started to open your eyes a little to find 3 inches away from your face, a man. You shut your eyes and still, very very sleepy, you spoke. "Who are you?"

"I'm Jareth. I've come to take you away." You smirked

"Ha, cool." You felt the man move away from you a little.

"Do you want to come away with me?" You turned to your side and yawned.

"Uh huh."

"Oh, you're too tired to make this decision. Here, I give you this." The man placed the book "The Labyrinth" on your bedside table along with a note. "Be good to it, don't let those bullies take it from you." You felt the man get up from the bed. He fixed your cover and then kissed you on your head and caressed your cheek one last time. You smirked.

"Goodnight, Y/N. I give you nothing but good dreams."

You felt the man walk away and his voice fading away "And when you're ready to come away, you can always talk to me. I'll be by your window sill." It was then silent. Nothing but silence. You fell right back asleep. Unaware of what just happened.

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