Bloody Beach

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Welcome to my first ever time writing an actual story, I have about 60k words written for this story so far and have almost finished. Updates Every Sunday. 




Overwhelming sadness

And pain were all Percy felt anymore.

He was alone, hood up, shadowing his face from the twinkling city lights that crawled up the sides of tall buildings. The night sky was dotted with faded stars, each one snuffed out by the concert of the city that never sleeps. The skyscrapers were so tall that when he looked up at them it was as if they curled over in a slight bow, causing him to almost fall over backward when trying to take it all in. Cars stood in the halt of traffic, red lights and horns and yelling and people. So many people of all shapes and sizes and each bustled along to some sort of activity, each had a purpose. Everyone except for him, he had lost his purpose a year ago. Yet still he drove on, a car without a diver that was sure to crash soon. Annabeth was gone, it's been a year since her death and Percy could still feel the same pain from her loss as he did the day she died. It was like his other half had been brutally torn apart from him and now he was alone. Every time he closed his eyes he could still see her beautiful face, as she died in his arms.


Percy and Annabeth were fighting side by side, moving almost as if they were one body fighting off the sea of monsters. They had just been taking a nice walk on the beach, holding hands enjoying the sunset before they realized they had left the camp boarders. Now, they were in the middle of an ambush, someone had known where they were and sent the monsters there to kill them. There were simply too many monsters there for it to have simply been a random occurrence. But, be it as it was, no monster stood a chance of beating them, Percy and Annabeth were too powerful.

"Hey wise girl" Percy said as he slashed a hellhound through with Riptide.

"I'm a little busy at the moment Percy, in case you didn't notice" Annabeth replied.

"Just wondering if you wanted to grab some pizza after this at that new Italian place on 5th Avenue" Percy said with his back to Annabeth fighting with a Lamia in front of him.

"It's a date" Annabeth said as she slashed the last monster through with her bronze gold dagger.

Annabeth walked away from Percy to lean on the side of a tree in exhaustion. The fight had left her dead tired. The dark woods gave off an unsettling feeling from behind where she sat.

Annabeth started talking "We should get cleaned up first. Wouldn't want to scare all the mortals away with all the bloo-" Annabeth was cut off. Percy looked, horrified as he had seen what had happened to her. An empousai had snuck up from the dark woods behind Annabeth and had cut a long gash down her side with its claws. Blood started coming out in heaps.

The empousai was going in for another strike, leaning in for the kill, it never had the chance. Percy threw his sword with all his might at the empousai, eyes rimmed red with anger as the sword hit its mark. He hardly noticed the dust of the dead monster, nor did he feel any pride that he had hit the vampire by throwing his sword. All he saw was Annabeth, lying on her side next to the tree she had been leaning on. He could see the blood coming out of a large jagged wound from where the vampires razor sharp claws cut Annabeth's side. He sat down beside the woman he loved, all focus as he prepared to help her.

"Annabeth, Wise Girl, listen to me, I have some nectar and ambrosia in my bag. Your not leaving me yet, not after all we've been through. I didn't go through hell and back with you just to have you go now." Percy said as he grabbed the supplies from his bag.

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