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A lot of stuff is explained in this chapter. It's all going to start coming together, trust me, I have a plan. Which I come up with as I go, lol.

Chapter 19

"What are you?" The smooth deep voice of Emmet Cullen was like the beat of a drum. Or was that Percy's heart. The loud thumping had not stopped from the battlefield when they had reached the modern style home. Maybe it was his heart trying to make up for lost blood, he had lost feeling in his hand. Or maybe he had lost his nerve endings, and would never feel again.

Somehow he had found the will and strength to joke about it on the way back with Leah.

"You just had to get me back didn't you." Is what he had told her. She had stared up at him in confusion, her brown eyes catching the light from the grey clouds in their irises.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I almost got you killed, now you returned the favor." Percy had a smile on his lips, but he hid it by looking away.

"I'm sorry..." Leah whispered.

"Don't be, now we're scar buddies." Percy turned his head back to her, locking onto her gaze. Entwining their fingers together, the good hand of course. "You have a scar from the bullet, and I have a scar from you."

"Great." She replied sarcastically. "I've always wanted to be scar buddies."

"I guess it really is a, dog eat dog world out there." Percy smiled at Leah's gasp. "Or in this case, dog eat man."

"No. This is a horrible joke, can't you see I'm trying to forget it."

"You'll never be able to truly forget it, that's why they're called scars." Percy said. "But maybe if we make it a joke, it won't hurt as much."

"Percy, are you alright?" Carlisle asked him in a cool voice across from where he sat. They were on the soft cushion of a couch, light brown in color. The soft peach light of the lamp on the table to the side was the only thing illuminating the room. That and the cold white light coming in from the many windows that also doubled as the walls of the house. They were back in the Cullens home, the rain had slowed but not stopped completely. It dribbled down the glass in a strange slow easy waterfall, causing the view outside to be distorted. Jacob had joined them, his large body taking up a larger than normal chair to the side of one of the couches.

"Are the stitches holding up?" Lost in his thoughts, Percy had failed to realize that he was the center of attention, and that he a had not spoken a word.

"They're fine. I didn't know you were such a good doctor." The black string that looped in and out of his skin was the only thing keeping the blood from seeping out. There was an equal number of them on both sides of his hand.

"It comes with years of experience."

Many, many years.

"Thank you. I'm not sure that bleeding in a room full of vampires would have been such a good idea." Percy leaned farther back into the cushion.

"Especially with your blood." Jaspers golden eyes were locked onto the black line stitched into his palm. "Tell me, why do you smell so good?" He took a long sniff of the air. Savoring the candy smell like you would a steak. And to him, maybe that's what it was, food.

"I'll tell you my secret." Percy leaned forward, urging Jasper to do the same, he did it with eager passion. "I use soap." With a smile etching up the corner of his mouth, a short sweet chuckle escaped the narrow passage of his throat.

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