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This is it. The final chapter. The end. I can't believe I've finally finished.

Chapter 29

Percy was once again clinging to the wolf form of Leah's soft fur back as she ran through the forest to where the others were still in battle. It was like holding onto a really warm fluffy blanket, her warmth seeped into him and helped to relax his thoughts. What situation would they come back to? Who else had died? He let the rushing thoughts go and clung to Leah tighter.

The forrest was much darker than before, the sun had just started to set in the sky and the world began its slow descent into night. The clouds still sat on the earth and the trees that they passed on their way back were veiled in the lightest of mists. The trunks they came closest to could be seen with more detail and appeared as a somber brown, but the forrest on the edge of the woodland was nothing more than black silhouettes against a blanket of darkening white.

A flash of silver caught Percy's eye, an oddly straight branch sticking out from it, feathers on its end, an arrow.

An arrow?

What the heck was an arrow doing there, none of the vampires had any bows and the wolves weren't exactly keen on using weapons to fight either. Had some random person been hunting game in the woods?

More arrows began to show themselves, attached to trees, laying on the ground, stuck in a bush. The silver metal was easy to pick out in the dull colors of the forrest.

Gods, whoever was shooting these is a terrible shot. Percy thought.

Leah began to slow her pace, her breath was coming out in long pants and her tongue hung out of her mouth lazily. Percy slid off her back and landed on the ground to her side letting a hand rest on her back as they walked the last distance to were the battle had taken place. It was over—that was for certain—and silence had never been louder, there were no sounds of battle, no cries of victory, no screams of anguish. Who had won?

When they got closer Percy could hear them before he could see them. He recognized one voice as Carlisle's, but the other was a mystery.

"I'm sorry you missed all the fighting. If only you would have come a few minutes earlier you could have done your job and helped us fend them off." Carlisle voice was smooth. Not accusing but with hints of a weary undertone.

The Volturi...

"I wish we could have, why, we missed all of the fun." The vampire paused, sniffed the air for a second, and smiled. "I see you have one left, we'll take care of her for you. It is, of course, our job."

Percy and Leah had gotten close enough so that they could see the outlines of the figures in the mist.

"You have no need of her. She surrendered when we gave her the chance. She didn't know what she was doing was wrong, she had no guidance."

"I did not come here to give mercy. I came here to exact justice." The vampire, who Percy now realized had the backing of a small group behind him, reached out to a small—cowering girl trying to hide behind Carlisle. She leaned away from the vampires touch with fear filled eyes, the glowing red that had once been intimidating now somehow looking scared.

The vampire hesitated. Carlisle had reached a hand out in front of the girl protectively.

"You give too much. Just a moment ago she would have killed you without a second thought. If you precede to protect her I will assume you are on her side and to be considered an enemy. Make your choice."

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