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Well, here's another one. Remember,

Listen to Stuck in the middle with you: steelers wheel

It shall come up in a future chapter, and if the lyrics mean anything-you know it isn't good.

Happy Reading, pls review follow or fav. :)

Chapter 10

Percy woke up in a chair, wrapped in a warm blanket, looking at the room in the big house. The blanket wasn't as warm as Leah was but it was enough. His body still ached from teleporting to camp. He had eaten some nectar and ambrosia and it had helped a little bit with the fatigue. Percy turned his head to look at Leah's sleeping body, a movement that left his neck sore and cramped. She looked so peaceful, sitting to his side in another chair. A table sat in the center of the room and a packman arcade game in the corner.

How was Percy even here. He knew Nico could shadow travel, but never in a million years did Percy think he had the power to teleport, and he didn't think he could do it again. Whatever power he had before had left as soon as it came. He looked at Leah's beautiful sleeping body. She rustled in her rest, hand clenched like she was having a bad dream. Her once tranquil face now sketched worry as she began to squirm in her chair.

Percy reached his hand to grab Leah's in an effort to calm her down. As soon as he touched her hand power shot through his body sending prickles up his arm. Leah calmed at his touch, face become relaxed again. Percy felt the power in his gut. The same power that he felt when him and Leah had teleported to Camp Half-Blood. It was strange and new yet altogether familiar. It was like the power that had gone into Leah had changed when it connected to her body. Like Leah had put her own personal touch on it. And now, when Percy was touching her warm hand, her power connected together with his and became something more. He knew, that if he was touching water, he would be able to teleport them again. It would take a toll on their body's, they would probably sleep for a week, but he could do it. It also explained why Leah was so tired as well. She had used her power too.

A squeaking sound brought Percy out of his thoughts. It sounded like a wheel screeching against the axel that it revolved around. Percy reluctantly turned his head from Leah's sleeping body to see Chiron wheeling himself into the room looking at Percy who was finally awake. Chiron's eyebrow raised when he saw Percy holding Leah's hand. He quickly let go, only to regret it a second later when his hand felt the cool air in the room, missing Leah's warm embrace.

Chiron pushed his wheelchair farther in the room, wheels squeaking with every shove of his hand.

"I'll have to oil that again." Chiron said with a sigh. "Now, what brings you here Percy? Not that I'm not exited to see you again. But I thought you were supposed to be in Washington."

"So did I" Percy grumbled.

"What do you mean." Chiron asked, eyes looking at Percy quizzically. How do I explain this... he decided on the abrupt approach.

"Well, me and Leah... kinda sorta... teleported here?" Percy watched Chiron's face to see how he took the news. It was a strange thing, unheard of from anyone besides the children of Hades.

At first Chiron looked surprised, but then the expression turned to one of wonder. "You've always been the one to deny the odds Percy. Why am I not surprised you would find a way to teleport."

Percy chuckled. "I can't do it on my own." He paused to see Chiron's eyebrows scrunched together forming a tight knot at the center of his head. "I can only do it with Leah."

"Is she a demigod?" Chiron said surprised.

"No, but she has some of my power, and when we touch, both our powers connect and become stronger. I think." Percy said hesitantly. For some reason he didn't want to explain what Leah was, he felt like if he told Chiron, no matter how much he trusted him, soon the information would end up with the gods. And if the gods found out there was another race of mythological creatures in the world, not to mention whatever Edwards family was, things could go down hill, and he needed to keep Leah safe.

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