Picture Perfect

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I feel like I've gotten better at writing with this chapter. Hopefully I can keep it up. Anyway, I've got a couple of more chapters to write then we'll be finished!

Chapter 20

Percy had his arm raised in the air preparing to knock on the door of his temporary home. It was a sleek darkened wood door with a silver handle. He stood under the eve of the porch in the warm autumn glow of the lamplight to either side of the door. The air was damp and cold, night had fallen over Forks and the pitch black wilderness behind him was caused from overshadowing clouds which blocked out the pale white moon and silver peppered stars. There was a prickly wheat colored rug under his feet, and the words welcome home were neatly written in cursive on its front. Percy's right foot was covering most of the word home, so all that could be seen in the faint light was welcome.

He knocked firmly, but not too hard. The sound of the three knocks brought about the soft padding of footsteps treading down the stairs and room within. Soon the lock on the door was turned with a clank and the door opened to reveal the sleepy face of Bella.

"Percy?" She said with a slight yawn. Her black hair was a crows nest and she hugged her right arm around her body, shivering from the cold air that must have rushed inside. Her left hand was still on the handle of the door. "Are you and Edward finally back?" Bella peeked around Percy's shoulder as if searching for him, which of course, she was.

"Yeah, he'll join us soon. Let's go to your room, we have a lot to talk about."

"Sure, come inside." Bella let go of the handle and made a grand sweeping gesture with her arm, motioning for Percy to follow her in. Taking the final steps through the doorway he closed the door behind them, making sure to lock it before following Bella's retreating figure. They walked through the quite darkness of the house. Everything was so different at night, as if it was all frozen in time as soon as the sun went down and on a timer to start up again as soon as the light entered in the morning.

That was a lot how Percy felt about the situation they were in. It was as if they were in the night, the calm before the inevitable hurricane of nightmares that was barreling towards them at high speeds. How long would they stay in the calm eye of the storm, and could they possibly brave the winds outside. For now though, he was just glad he could hold onto Leah for just a little bit longer, who knew if they would survive the harsh winds of battle.

After climbing the stairs and reaching Bella's room they found that Edward was already waiting for them, sitting in an old wooden chair reading under the lamplight. The window was opened, cold wind blowing the dancing curtains all throughout the room. In a quick movement Percy was at the window, having to climb onto the soft sheets of the bed in order to reach it. He crawled on hands and knees the rest of the way to the opening and shut it in one smooth motion. He rolled of the blankets and landed on his feet, the carpet was smooth.

"Just because you don't get cold doesn't mean we don't." Percy grumbled, looking to Edward for a reaction but finding none. He was totally engrossed in the book, as if he had been caught in a spell he made no motion to indicate that he had noticed their presence. With a glance at the cover Percy found that it was Romeo and Juliet.

"Bella, why do you read this?" Edward looked up from the story, his eyes reflecting the same liquid gold shine as the lamplight. "Does it remind you of us? Two people coming together against all odds and the forces held against them?"

"What's wrong with Shakespeare."

"Nothing, it's just, the story you compare with us... well, it's called a tragedy for a reason." Edward closed the book shut and slowly set it down on the table. "I'm just worried your getting the wrong thoughts in your head."

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