Conflicting Emotions

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It' a long one!

About halfway through this chapter is when the writing starts to get good, you'll see.

If you want the best experience reading this story listen to the song

-stuck in the middle (with you) by steelers wheel

It will come into play later. (Another Chapter-but soon)

Happy Reading!

Chapter 9

When Percy got in Bella's truck he was exhausted. They hadn't killed the ghost, and he hadn't even gotten a good look at him to see who it was. It had been really intense, he had felt emotions that he didn't think he would be able to feel again and it scared him. He remembered the words he had whispered when Leah said she had imprinted on him, I'm sorry.

He really was, she didn't deserve to imprint on him. She was an amazing person, yet she was forced to be with him by some unknown force. She was forced to be with someone who would never love her the same way she loved him. She would always be in Annabeth's shadow, the second Annabeth, and she didn't deserve that. She deserved someone special. Because she was special herself.

"Percy!" Bella's voice broke him out of his thoughts. "I've been saying your name for the past five minutes. Now, as I was saying, my boyfriend is coming over tonight and I was hoping you would like to meet him, instead of staying in that room of yours working on whatever it is you do up there."

Percy thought about it for a moment. "I guess I should meet him, I suppose I could give him a good scare about hurting you. Always love doing that." He found it fun to scare the living daylights out of mortals, it gave them a reason to never hurt his cousin.

Bella snorted. "Good luck, Edward isn't scared of anyone."

"We'll see." Percy responded simply, his mind wasn't really focused on their conversation, he was replaying the events of last night in his mind. Outwardly blushing when he thought of Leah's body pressed against his, and the warm feeling that crept through him when they held hands. His mind was always on her, no matter how hard he tried to think of something else, she was always in the light.

Line Break

Turns out, Bella was wrong, Edward was definitely giving off some scared vibes to Percy. When they had made it home they had found the silver Volvo outside of the house. Bella had said that she needed to grab something in her room and that left Percy alone with her boyfriend.

Edward had started looking at him strangely, it was as if he was trying to get a read on him, but just couldn't for some reason. The other strange thing was that he had covered his nose with his hand.

Percy thought it would be fun to use his wolf glare on him (courtesy of Lupa) and scare him back a little. It worked, as soon as he made eye contact and started his death glare, Edward visibly tensed, he looked ready to run or pounce, Percy wasn't sure which one it was. Oh yah, Edward was definitely giving off the scared vibes, but Percy was only just beginning. He kept his gaze locked onto Edwards Kronos gold eyes and started to walk to him slowly. It was like a horror movie, and he loved it. Edward started to take sliding steps backwards, his pale skin almost blending in with the white wall behind him. Suddenly, Percy couldn't hold it in anymore, he burst out laughing and held his hand out to shake Edwards hand.

"Nice to meet you man, my names Percy. Gods you should have seen your face." Edward reached his own hand out, obviously much more at ease than he was before.

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